Savage Kingdom Soundtrack (

Savage Kingdom Soundtrack (2016) cover

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Rating: 8.60/10 from 532 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Savage Kingdom

Title in Italiano:

Savage Kingdom

Title in Português:

Savage Kingdom

Title in Français:

Savage Kingdom

Title in Türk:

Savage Kingdom

Title in Deutsch:

Savage Kingdom


Savage Kingdom is a documentary series that explores the brutal and cutthroat world of the animal kingdom. In this series, viewers are taken on a journey through the lives of various animal species as they fight for survival in the wild.

From lions to hyenas, from elephants to crocodiles, Savage Kingdom showcases the intense battles and power struggles that take place in the animal kingdom. Each episode delves into the complex social structures and behaviors of these animals, revealing the harsh realities of life in the wild.

Through stunning cinematography and gripping storytelling, Savage Kingdom offers a raw and unfiltered look at the natural world, highlighting the beauty and brutality of nature. Viewers are sure to be captivated by the drama and excitement that unfolds in each episode of this thrilling series.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Savage Kingdom
Savage Kingdom
Austin Fray: Performer
Dogs of War
Austin Fray: Performer
Cubs Theme
Austin Fray: Performer
The King
Austin Fray: Performer
Saba Mourns
Austin Fray: Performer
North Pride Rises
Austin Fray: Performer
Puppies Theme
Austin Fray: Performer
The Wild Dogs Hunt
Austin Fray: Performer
The Rainy Season
Austin Fray: Performer
A Place of Death
Austin Fray: Performer
The Great Thirst
Austin Fray: Performer
Dawn of the Dry Season
Austin Fray: Performer
Austin Fray: Performer
Delicacies of the Drought
Austin Fray: Performer

User reviews

Karen Gonzalez

The repetitive use of certain musical themes throughout the episodes becomes monotonous and starts to detract from the overall viewing experience. Instead of adding to the tension and excitement of the animal struggles, the soundtrack often feels like an afterthought, failing to elevate the storytelling to a more immersive level.

Robert Martin

The soundtrack of Savage Kingdom truly elevates the viewing experience by perfectly capturing the intensity and raw emotions of the animal kingdom. The music seamlessly blends with the breathtaking cinematography, enhancing the drama and excitement of each scene.

Mark Johnson

In some instances, the music choices feel mismatched with the on-screen action, creating a disjointed and jarring effect that takes away from the authenticity of the animal kingdom portrayed in Savage Kingdom. The lack of cohesion between the visual narrative and the audio accompaniment leaves a disjointed feeling that detracts from the overall enjoyment of the series.

John Jackson

The soundtrack of Savage Kingdom is a powerful complement to the intense and captivating nature of the documentary series. The music effectively enhances the drama and tension of the animal battles depicted on screen, adding an extra layer of emotion to the viewing experience.

Deborah Davis

One of the standout aspects of the soundtrack is its ability to evoke a wide range of emotions, from adrenaline-pumping excitement to poignant reflection. The music enhances the storytelling of Savage Kingdom, helping to convey the struggles and triumphs of the animal characters in a deeply moving way.

Margaret Scott

Overall, the soundtrack of Savage Kingdom is a vital component of the series' success, enriching the viewing experience and contributing to the overall impact of the documentary. Its artful composition and emotional depth make it a memorable and essential element of the show.

Patricia Martinez

The soundtrack of Savage Kingdom fails to capture the intense and dramatic nature of the animal battles depicted in the series. The music feels generic and uninspired, lacking the emotional depth needed to enhance the viewer's connection to the animal characters.

Michelle Roberts

The composition of the soundtrack is skillfully done, with each piece of music perfectly matching the mood and atmosphere of the scenes it accompanies. The use of different instruments and tones creates a sense of urgency and excitement, drawing viewers further into the world of the animal kingdom.

Elizabeth Mitchell

The powerful and evocative compositions in the soundtrack of Savage Kingdom effectively convey the struggles and triumphs of the animals featured in the series. The music adds depth and emotion to the storytelling, immersing viewers into the brutal yet captivating world of nature in a way that is both haunting and beautiful.

Karen Thompson

The variety of musical styles present in the soundtrack is impressive, ranging from haunting melodies to tribal beats. This diversity keeps the audience engaged and reflects the rich tapestry of life in the wild. The soundtrack succeeds in creating a dynamic and immersive auditory experience for viewers.