Serial Bad Weddings is a French comedy film that follows the story of a Catholic couple, Claude and Marie Verneuil, who have four daughters. Their daughters have all married men from different cultural and religious backgrounds, causing a series of comedic misunderstandings and clashes.
The Verneuils struggle to come to terms with their daughters' choices and the cultural differences between their families and their sons-in-law's families. As they try to navigate these challenges, they must also deal with their own prejudices and preconceptions.
Through a series of hilarious and heartwarming events, the Verneuils learn to embrace diversity and celebrate love in all its forms. Serial Bad Weddings is a charming and funny film that explores themes of family, culture, and acceptance.
Play | Title | Artist |
Serial (Bad) Weddings
Dead Wrong
Hanni El Khatib:
Le grand Rabbi
Douce France
Zumba He zumba Ha
La Marseillaise
Ary Abittan: