Siva Manasula Sakthi Soundtrack (

Siva Manasula Sakthi Soundtrack (2009) cover

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Siva Manasula Sakthi

Title in Italiano:

Siva Manasula Sakthi

Title in Português:

Siva Manasula Sakthi


A casual meeting on a train leads to the blossoming of love, fun and lots more between Siva and Sakthi. We see love in the mind of Siva at first, while we find a new turn during the second half where Sakthi reciprocates it.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Siva Manasula Sakthi
Oru Kal
Oru Adangapidari
MGR Illenga
Eppadiyo Maatikitten
Thithikum Theeai
Oru Paarvaiyil
Oru Kal II