Skyward is a science fiction novel written by Brandon Sanderson. The story follows a young girl named Spensa who dreams of becoming a pilot and defending her planet from alien attacks. However, her father was labeled a coward and a traitor, leaving Spensa with a tarnished reputation. Despite this, she is determined to prove herself and join the ranks of the Defiant Defense Force.
As Spensa trains to become a pilot, she uncovers secrets about her father's past and the true nature of the alien threat. She must navigate through political intrigue and betrayal while facing her own fears and doubts. With the help of her friends and a mysterious AI, Spensa embarks on a dangerous mission to save her planet and uncover the truth about her father.
Skyward is a thrilling and action-packed novel that explores themes of courage, loyalty, and the power of determination. It is a story of hope and resilience in the face of adversity, with twists and turns that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end.