"Slayground" is a thrilling novel by Richard Stark that follows the story of a professional thief named Parker. After a successful heist, Parker finds himself trapped in an amusement park that is closed for the winter. The park becomes a deadly playground as Parker is hunted by a group of ruthless criminals who want to eliminate him. With danger lurking around every corner, Parker must use all of his skills and cunning to survive and outsmart his enemies. As the tension rises and the stakes get higher, Parker must navigate through the treacherous park and fight for his life. Will he be able to outwit his pursuers and make it out alive, or will he become another victim in the deadly game at the Slayground?
Play | Title | Artist |
Out Of Limits
The Ventures:
Bad To The Bone
Papa Oom Mow Mow
Turner Wilson Jr.:
Smokey Mountain Waltz
Georges Van Parys:
"Reggae Train'
Dennis Bovell:
Graham Preskett:
My Sharona
Doug Fieger:
Gimme a Little Sign