Suburban Girl follows the story of Brett, a young woman from the suburbs who works as an associate editor at a small New York publishing house. She is hoping for a promotion and one day, she meets literary lion Archie Knox, who is 50 years old and shows interest in her.
After meeting Archie, Brett gets a new boss who is a dolly-dolly Brit. Soon, Brett starts dating Archie and eventually moves in with him. Archie is charming, attentive, and gives advice, but he also has a complicated history with ex-wives, a distant daughter, diseases, and a photo album of former girlfriends.
The relationship is not a fairy tale as family issues and other challenges arise, forcing Brett to make difficult decisions. Meanwhile, she is working with a writer who has a fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of his mouth.
Is Archie dinner, an hors d'oeuvre, or a peanut-butter sandwich in Brett's life? Watch Suburban Girl to find out!
Play | Title | Artist |
Suburban Girl
Love Song
Quartet for Strings 'Lark' Allegro Moderato
Silent Night
Charm Attack
Come to the Party
Space Age Love Song
Abra Moore:
Cause a Rockslide
Chopin: 15 in D Flat Major Raindrop (24 Preludes, Op.28)
Speeding Cars
Cold Hearts
Club 8:
Your Love Beside Me
More Luck