"Svengali" is a novel by George du Maurier that tells the story of a young, talented singer named Trilby O'Ferrall who falls under the spell of a mysterious musician named Svengali. Svengali uses his hypnotic powers to control Trilby's voice and turn her into a famous opera singer. However, as Svengali exerts more and more control over Trilby, she begins to lose her own identity and sense of self. The novel explores themes of manipulation, power, and the dangers of giving up one's autonomy for the sake of success. In the end, Trilby must find a way to break free from Svengali's influence and reclaim her own voice.
Play | Title | Artist |
Bert's Apple Crumble
David Hadfield:
There There My Dear
The Responsible
Miles Kane:
1000 Years
Taste It
Fire Inside
The Keys:
Shoot You Down
Zoot Suit
The High Numbers:
F-Olding Money
Sister Surround
Can't Stand Me Now
Head On
Don't Burst My Bubble
Boys From the County Hell
Chicken Payback
The Bees:
Sea Diver
People Meet People
The Keys:
Somebody Stole My Thunder
I'm In Love With a Girl
O Lord!
The Keys: