The Boys of Baraka is a documentary film that follows a group of young African American boys from Baltimore as they are sent to a boarding school in Kenya. The film explores the challenges they face growing up in a violent and impoverished neighborhood, and the opportunities that the Baraka school provides for them to escape their circumstances and receive a quality education.
Through interviews with the boys, their families, and the staff at the school, the film highlights the impact of the program on their lives and the struggles they continue to face even in a new environment. The boys must navigate cultural differences, homesickness, and academic challenges as they strive to succeed in a foreign country.
The Boys of Baraka sheds light on the importance of education and the potential for positive change in the lives of disadvantaged youth. It serves as a powerful reminder of the resilience and determination of these young boys as they strive to overcome the obstacles in their path and build a better future for themselves.