"The Dreamed Path" is a film that follows two separate storylines that are connected by a shared sense of longing and loss. In one storyline, a young German couple travels through the wilderness of Greece in the 1980s, trying to find their way back to Berlin. In the other storyline, a middle-aged Greek couple is struggling with their own relationship issues in the present day.
The film explores themes of memory, identity, and the passage of time as the characters navigate their own personal journeys. Through dreamlike sequences and stunning cinematography, "The Dreamed Path" blurs the lines between reality and fantasy, inviting the audience to question what is real and what is imagined.
As the two storylines converge, the characters are forced to confront their pasts and make decisions that will shape their futures. "The Dreamed Path" is a meditative and visually striking film that challenges viewers to reflect on their own lives and the paths they have chosen.
Play | Title | Artist |
The Dreamed Path
The Lion Sleeps Tonight
Miriam Jakob: