The Fringe Dwellers is a novel written by Nene Gare that tells the story of an Aboriginal family living on the outskirts of a small Australian town. The family faces discrimination and prejudice from the white community, but they remain resilient and proud of their heritage.
The novel follows the struggles and triumphs of the family as they navigate the challenges of living in a society that does not fully accept them. The protagonist, Trilby, is a young girl who dreams of a better life for herself and her family. She is determined to break free from the constraints of her community and make a better future for herself.
Throughout the novel, themes of identity, culture, and belonging are explored as the family grapples with their place in a society that sees them as outsiders. The Fringe Dwellers is a powerful and poignant story that sheds light on the experiences of marginalized communities and the strength it takes to overcome adversity.