The Last Elvis is a film that tells the story of Carlos Gutiérrez, a factory worker in Buenos Aires who spends his free time impersonating his idol, Elvis Presley. Despite his passion for performing, Carlos struggles to balance his responsibilities as a father and husband.
When Carlos's wife, Alejandra, decides to leave him, he is forced to confront the reality of his situation. As he grapples with the challenges of his personal life, Carlos is also faced with the opportunity to audition for a television show that could launch his career as an Elvis impersonator.
As Carlos prepares for the audition, he must come to terms with the choices he has made and the impact they have had on his loved ones. Through his journey, The Last Elvis explores themes of identity, family, and the pursuit of dreams.
Play | Title | Artist |
The Last Elvis
Also sprach Zarathustra
Richard Strauss:
See see rider
Always on my mind
Suspicious Minds
Burning Love
Hawaiian Wedding Song
Unchained Melody
American Triology
I'm so lonesome I could cry