The Monster Club is a horror anthology film directed by Roy Ward Baker. The movie follows a writer named R. Chetwynd-Hayes who meets a vampire named Eramus at a club for monsters. Eramus convinces Chetwynd-Hayes to listen to three stories about monsters.
The first story is about a Shadmock, a creature with a deadly whistle. The second story follows a vampire named Angela who falls in love with a human. And the third story is about a humgoo, a monster that preys on children.
The Monster Club features a mix of horror and comedy, with a unique take on classic monster tropes. The film has gained a cult following for its campy charm and memorable monster designs.
Play | Title | Artist |
The Monster Club
Theme: Pavane
Gabriel Fauré:
Vienna Blood
Johann Strauss:
Song on Radio
Monsters Rule O.K.
The Viewers: