The Other Side Soundtrack (

The Other Side Soundtrack (2012) cover

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Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

The Other Side

Title in Italiano:

The Other Side

Title in Português:

The Other Side

Title in Français:

The Other Side

Title in Türk:

The Other Side

Title in Deutsch:

The Other Side


After 30 years of cold war, Taiwan and China finally opened cross-strait trade and tourism in 1980. However, through decades of political and educational vilification of their counterparts by the KMT and CCP, and despite close economic and cultural ties, what lies beneath the diplomatic relations is a disconnect and mistrust that cannot be denied.

KE is a failed business in Taiwan who hopes to start over as a 'Taiwanese Expat' in Shenzheng, China with a Taiwanese company. Lili, a laborer from China, meets her Taiwanese husband online and moves to Taiwan in hopes of a better life. Both KE and Lili cross the straits in hope of achieving what they cannot find in their homeland. But how much do they really know about that country across the straits?

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The Other Side