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Two elderly World War II buddies are living - and dying - together in their small home. One becomes a patient where salvage-worthy, older attributes are combined with useable, younger body parts. He returns, unrecognized by the other.
Play | Title | Artist |
The Passing
Prologue: One Ring to Rule Them All
The Shire
Bag End
Very Old Friends
Flaming Red Hair
Farewell Dear Bilbo
Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe
A Conspiracy Unmasked
Three Is Company
The Passing of the Elves
Saruman the White
A Shortcut to Mushrooms
The Nazgûl
The Caverns of Isengard
Give up the Halfling
The Sword That Was Broken
The Council of Elrond Assembles / "Aníron" (feat. Enya)
The Great Eye
Gilraen's Memorial
The Pass of Caradhras
The Doors of Durin
Balin's Tomb
Caras Galadhon / "Lament for Gandalf" (feat. Elizabeth Fraser)
The Mirror of Galadriel
The Fighting Uruk-hai
Parth Galen
The Departure of Boromir
The Road Goes Ever On..., Pt. 1
May It Be
The Road Goes Ever On..., Pt. 2 / "In Dreams" (feat. Edward Ross)
Elven Rope
Lost in Emyn Muil
My Precious
Uglúk's Warriors
The Three Hunters
The Banishment of Éomer
Night Camp
The Plains of Rohan
The Dead Marshes
Wraiths on Wings
Gandalf the White
The Dreams of Trees
The Heir of Númenor
The Court of Meduseld
Théoden King / "The Funeral of Théodred" (feat. Miranda Otto)
The King's Decision
Exodus From Edoras
The Forests of Ithilien
One of the Dúnedain / "Evenstar" (feat. Isabel Bayrakdarian)
That Old Gang of Mine
Take Another Look
White Lies
Ka-Lu-A-Medley Fox Trot
Jerome Kern:
The Darktown Strutters' Ball
Shelton Brooks:
Have a Smile for Everyone You Meet and they Will Have a Smile for You
Why, Dear? - Medley Fox Trot
I Wonder Who, You're Calling Sweetheart -Fox Trot
Indiana Moon Waltz
My Wild Irish Rose
Lazy Fox Trot
Whispering - Fox Trot
I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles
Till We Meet Again