The Quintessential Quintuplets is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Negi Haruba. The story follows a high school student named Fuutarou Uesugi who is hired as a private tutor for a set of quintuplets, each with their own unique personalities and challenges.
As Fuutarou struggles to connect with the five sisters and help them improve their grades, he also uncovers their family secrets and learns more about their past. Along the way, he forms bonds with each of the sisters and begins to understand the complexities of their relationships.
The Quintessential Quintuplets is a heartwarming and comedic series that explores themes of family, friendship, and personal growth. With its engaging characters and charming storyline, it has become a popular manga and anime series beloved by fans around the world.
Play | Title | Artist |
The Quintessential Quintuplets
Gotoubun no Kimochi
Kana Hanazawa:
Aya Uchida: