The Sun Does Not Move Soundtrack (

The Sun Does Not Move Soundtrack (2020) cover

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Rating: 4.70/10 from 130 votes
Tags: solar power
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

The Sun Does not Move

Title in Italiano:

The Sun Does Not Move

Title in Português:

The Sun Does Not Move


The Sun Does Not Move is a Japanese action thriller film directed by Eiichiro Hasumi. The story follows a group of elite assassins known as "Scissors" who are hired to take down a high-profile target. However, things take a turn for the worse when they realize that their target is actually a former member of their own team.

As the assassins navigate through a web of betrayal and deception, they must confront their own past mistakes and decide where their loyalties truly lie. With intense action sequences and unexpected plot twists, The Sun Does Not Move keeps viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

Featuring a talented cast including Tatsuya Fujiwara and Ryoma Takeuchi, this film is a must-watch for fans of suspenseful thrillers and intricate character dynamics.

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The Sun Does Not Move

User reviews

Matthew Roberts

The music choices often felt disconnected from the on-screen action, failing to create a cohesive atmosphere that would immerse the viewers fully into the story.

Andrew Hill

Overall, the soundtrack of The Sun Does Not Move is a standout element of the film, contributing significantly to its impact and leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

Margaret Perez

The use of music in key moments of the film elevates the emotional impact of the characters' struggles and dilemmas, making their journey even more engaging and relatable to the viewers.

Ronald Mitchell

The composition of the music is dynamic and engaging, effectively building tension and creating a sense of urgency that mirrors the characters' high-stakes mission.

Karen White

The soundtrack of The Sun Does Not Move perfectly captures the tension and suspense of the film, enhancing every scene with its powerful and dramatic musical cues.

Edward Martinez

The music in the film effectively sets the tone for each moment, from heart-pounding action sequences to emotional character revelations, creating a fully immersive experience for the audience.

Stephanie Wright

The compositions in the soundtrack of The Sun Does Not Move showcase a great blend of traditional Japanese influences with modern cinematic elements, adding a unique and captivating layer to the overall storytelling.

Margaret White

The soundtrack of The Sun Does Not Move perfectly complements the intense action sequences, adding an extra layer of suspense and excitement to the film.

Daniel Lee

The use of traditional Japanese instruments in the soundtrack adds a unique cultural flair to the film, setting it apart from other action thrillers and immersing viewers in the world of the story.

Lisa Gonzalez

The lack of memorable themes or motifs in the soundtrack made it difficult to recall any standout musical moments that truly enhanced the overall viewing experience of the film.

Betty Williams

The soundtrack of The Sun Does Not Move skillfully builds tension and suspense throughout the narrative, keeping me hooked and invested in the fates of the characters until the very end.

Kimberly Adams

The soundtrack of The Sun Does Not Move felt repetitive and uninspired, lacking the emotional depth needed to enhance the intense scenes and character dynamics.

James Perez

Overall, the soundtrack of The Sun Does Not Move is a standout element of the film that enhances the viewing experience and leaves a lasting impression with its evocative and memorable musical themes.

Sarah Campbell

The music choices in the film reflect the complex and multifaceted nature of the characters, highlighting their inner conflicts and moral dilemmas in a way that deepens the overall storytelling.

Stephanie Hernandez

The music enhances the emotional depth of the characters, particularly during pivotal moments of betrayal and self-discovery, making the audience feel more connected to the story.