Weather Girl Soundtrack (

Weather Girl Soundtrack (1996) cover

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Rating: 5.60/10 from 426 votes
Tags: cult comedy
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Weather Girl

Title in Italiano:

A Weatherwoman

Title in Português:

Weather Girl


Weather Girl is a romantic comedy film about a young woman named Sylvia, who works as a weather girl at a local news station.

Sylvia is ambitious and dreams of becoming a serious journalist, but she is constantly underestimated and objectified by her male colleagues.

When Sylvia's boyfriend breaks up with her on-air, she has a meltdown and goes viral on social media.

As Sylvia tries to pick up the pieces of her life, she meets a charming bartender who helps her see her worth and potential.

Through a series of comedic and heartwarming events, Sylvia learns to stand up for herself and pursue her dreams, all while finding love in unexpected places.

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Weather Girl

User reviews

Karen Martin

Overall, the soundtrack of Weather Girl is a standout element of the film, enriching the storytelling and enhancing the emotional impact of Sylvia's journey towards love and self-empowerment.

Susan Hernandez

The use of upbeat and catchy tunes in the film's soundtrack adds a layer of fun and energy to the story, complementing Sylvia's journey of self-discovery and empowerment. The music selection helps to create a lighthearted atmosphere while still conveying the deeper themes of the movie.

Jennifer Hall

The music choices in Weather Girl often felt disconnected from the scenes, failing to create a cohesive atmosphere or enhance the emotional impact of pivotal moments in the film.

Karen Carter

The soundtrack features a mix of classic hits and contemporary tracks, appealing to a wide range of audiences and enhancing the overall appeal of the film.

Laura Allen

The soundtrack of Weather Girl perfectly captures the emotional journey of Sylvia, the main character, through its diverse selection of songs.

Ashley Hall

The soundtrack of Weather Girl felt generic and uninspired, lacking any memorable melodies or emotional depth to enhance the storytelling.

Joseph Garcia

The upbeat and catchy tunes in the soundtrack reflect Sylvia's determination to overcome challenges and pursue her dreams in the face of adversity.

Charles Davis

The emotional depth and sincerity in the lyrics of the songs resonate with the audience, eliciting empathy and connection with Sylvia's journey of self-realization and empowerment.

Ronald Green

Each song in the soundtrack complements the different stages of Sylvia's character development, creating a cohesive and immersive musical experience for the audience.

Donna Moore

The use of music in key moments of the film enhances the storytelling and adds depth to the characters, making the viewing experience more engaging and enjoyable.

Donna Thomas

The soundtrack of Weather Girl effectively conveys the message of resilience, self-worth, and personal growth, inspiring viewers to believe in themselves and pursue their dreams.

Elizabeth Young

The overall sound quality of the soundtrack in Weather Girl appeared lackluster, with some tracks sounding outdated and out of touch with the modern romantic comedy genre, failing to engage the audience on a deeper level.

Elizabeth Williams

The soundtrack provides a perfect blend of feel-good songs and emotional ballads that resonate with the themes of love, self-discovery, and empowerment portrayed in the movie.

Dorothy Mitchell

Overall, the soundtrack of Weather Girl is a well-balanced mix of emotions and melodies that effectively enhances the storytelling and brings the characters to life. It successfully sets the tone for the romantic comedy genre while also adding depth and dimension to the characters' development.

Joshua Roberts

The soundtrack of Weather Girl perfectly captures the emotional journey of the main character, Sylvia, as she navigates through challenges in her personal and professional life. The music enhances the comedic and heartwarming moments, creating a truly enjoyable viewing experience.