The Young Lieutenant Soundtrack (

The Young Lieutenant Soundtrack (2005) cover

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Rating: 7.00/10 from 2700 votes
Tags: interpreter
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

El pequeño teniente

Title in Italiano:

Le petit lieutenant

Title in Português:

A Outra Face da Lei

Title in Français:

Le petit lieutenant

Title in Türk:

Le petit lieutenant

Title in Deutsch:

Eine fatale Entscheidung


When a fresh young police academy graduate from provincial Le Havre volunteers for the high pressure world of the Parisian homicide squad, his schoolteacher wife is reluctant to go with him.

He moves into a rooming house that caters to single cops as he embraces his fellow officers as an extended family. He becomes close to an Arab officer and his boss, a very professional but lonely, middle-aged female detective who is also a recovering alcoholic.

Routine police procedure gives way to an intensive search among the city's homeless for an undocumented Russian immigrant who may be responsible for a series of violent crimes.

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The Young Lieutenant

User reviews

Mark Walker

The use of subtle piano melodies and strings adds depth and emotion to key scenes, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Margaret Hernandez

The soundtrack of The Young Lieutenant perfectly captures the tension and emotion of a young police officer navigating the high-pressure world of the Parisian homicide squad. Each note and melody enhances the storytelling, immersing the audience in the protagonist's journey.

Andrew Turner

The music elegantly transitions from moments of suspense to heartfelt scenes, adding depth and complexity to the characters and their relationships. It creates a powerful atmosphere that keeps you engaged throughout the film, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Anthony Anderson

The lack of variety in the musical themes made the overall listening experience monotonous and uninteresting. It failed to capture the tension and complexities of the characters' relationships and struggles.

Andrew Roberts

The music creates a haunting atmosphere that reflects the emotional struggles of the main characters as they navigate the complexities of their personal and professional lives.

George Davis

Furthermore, the repetitive use of certain musical motifs became tiresome and detracted from the overall impact of the film. I believe a more innovative and dynamic soundtrack could have greatly improved the viewing experience of The Young Lieutenant.

Lisa Wilson

I found the soundtrack of The Young Lieutenant to be quite disappointing. The music did not seem to enhance the emotional depth of the scenes and often felt out of place.

Brian Martin

Overall, the music of The Young Lieutenant is a key element in immersing the audience into the world of the Parisian homicide squad and enhancing the narrative with its emotional resonance.

Deborah Allen

The music underscores the themes of loneliness and alienation present in the characters' lives, adding a layer of complexity to their relationships and motivations.

Ronald Jackson

The soundtrack of The Young Lieutenant perfectly captures the tension and intensity of the film's homicide investigation storyline.

Amanda Jones

The incorporation of traditional French music elements helps to establish the setting and cultural context of the story in a compelling way.

Richard Phillips

The soundtrack features a mix of suspenseful tracks and melancholic tunes that mirror the ups and downs of the characters' journey throughout the film.

Patricia Smith

The soundtrack effectively conveys the sense of camaraderie and solidarity among the police officers depicted in the film.

Kimberly Williams

Overall, the soundtrack of The Young Lieutenant is a masterful blend of emotion and intensity, elevating the narrative and leaving a lasting impression on the audience.