Things Change Soundtrack (

Things Change Soundtrack (1988) cover

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Rating: 7.00/10 from 4100 votes
Tags: ford, ford motor vehicle, ford car
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Las cosas cambian

Title in Italiano:

Le cose cambiano

Title in Português:

As Coisas Mudam

Title in Français:

Parrain d'un jour

Title in Türk:

Parrain d'un jour

Title in Deutsch:

Parrain d'un jour


Things Change is a story about a humble shoeshiner named Gino who is mistaken for a powerful mafia boss. One day, Gino is approached by a mobster named Jerry who offers him a deal he can't refuse. Jerry wants Gino to take the fall for a murder in exchange for a large sum of money. Gino is hesitant at first, but eventually agrees to the deal in order to provide for his family.

However, things take an unexpected turn when Gino is taken to a luxurious hotel and treated like a king by the mobsters. They believe he is the mafia boss they have been looking for and shower him with gifts and attention. Gino is torn between his loyalty to his family and the newfound power and wealth he has acquired.

As Gino navigates this dangerous world of crime and deception, he must decide what is truly important to him and where his loyalties lie. Will he choose to stay true to himself and his values, or will he be seduced by the allure of power and wealth?

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Things Change

User reviews

Kimberly Roberts

Overall, the soundtrack of Things Change complements the narrative beautifully, adding layers of emotion and complexity to Gino's character arc. The music serves as a powerful storytelling tool, enhancing the themes of loyalty, deception, and the pursuit of power.

Amanda Hall

The lack of variation in the musical themes made it challenging to fully immerse myself in the different scenes and emotions portrayed on screen. The soundtrack felt repetitive and uninspired, failing to enhance the overall viewing experience.

William Miller

The use of traditional Italian music in the soundtrack adds authenticity to the setting and characters, immersing the audience in the world of mafia and crime. The blend of classic melodies and modern compositions perfectly complements the juxtaposition of Gino's humble origins and the lavish lifestyle he is thrust into, creating a rich and dynamic auditory experience for the viewers.

Patricia Hill

Overall, I believe that a more dynamic and impactful soundtrack could have elevated the storytelling and emotional impact of Things Change to a higher level.

Mark Phillips

The soundtrack of Things Change perfectly captures the emotional journey of Gino, the humble shoeshiner turned mafia boss. The music enhances the tension and inner conflict that Gino experiences throughout the story.

Joseph Garcia

The soundtrack of Things Change perfectly captures the emotional journey of Gino, the humble shoeshiner turned accidental mafia boss. The music enhances the suspense and tension of the plot, keeping me engaged and on the edge of my seat throughout the film.

Dorothy Evans

The soundtrack of Things Change expertly captures the emotional journey of Gino, creating a poignant atmosphere that enhances the storytelling. The music beautifully conveys the inner conflict and moral dilemmas faced by Gino as he grapples with the temptations of power and the desire to provide for his family.

Susan Anderson

The haunting melodies in the soundtrack evoke a sense of suspense and danger, mirroring the dark underworld that Gino finds himself entangled in. The music adds depth to the storytelling and keeps the audience engaged throughout the film.

Richard Thomas

The use of traditional Italian music in the soundtrack adds an authentic and immersive touch to the story. It transports me to the world of mafia bosses and mobsters, making the film feel more realistic and captivating.

Emily Turner

While the storyline of Things Change is compelling and engaging, I found the soundtrack to be lacking in emotional depth. The music failed to capture the inner turmoil and conflict that Gino experiences throughout the film.

Richard Anderson

One of the most impressive aspects of the soundtrack is how it reflects Gino's internal struggle between loyalty to his family and the temptation of power and wealth. The music mirrors his conflicting emotions, creating a deep and emotional connection with the character and his choices.

Joshua Wright

The use of different musical motifs in the soundtrack helps to distinguish between Gino's humble beginnings and his newfound life of luxury and power. The contrast in music reflects Gino's internal struggle and the moral dilemmas he faces.

Richard Parker

The soundtrack of Things Change is a standout element of the film, elevating the overall viewing experience. The music is skillfully composed and enhances the mood of each scene, drawing viewers further into Gino's complex journey.