Three Seasons is a film that follows the story of an American in Ho Chi Minh City who is searching for a daughter he fathered during the war. He meets Woody, a child who works as a street vendor, and when Woody's case of wares disappears, he suspects the soldier took it. Woody sets out to find him.
Meanwhile, a cyclo driver named Hai gives a ride to Lan, a hotel call girl, and becomes infatuated with her. He waits for her daily and tries to break through her tough exterior, falling in love with her in the process.
Additionally, Kien An, a young woman, takes a job harvesting lotuses in the ponds of Teacher Dao, a reclusive man with leprosy. Her singing brings him out of his depression, and he asks her to transcribe the poetry he has composed.
Throughout the film, the characters' paths intersect in small ways, revolving around themes of flowers and acts of kindness.