Time to Kill is a thrilling novel that follows the story of a young detective, Sarah, who is on a mission to catch a notorious serial killer. As she delves deeper into the case, she discovers that the killer has been targeting victims based on a specific pattern.
With each new clue she uncovers, Sarah realizes that the killer is always one step ahead of her. Determined to bring justice to the victims and their families, Sarah must race against time to solve the case before the killer strikes again.
As the tension rises and the stakes get higher, Sarah finds herself facing her biggest challenge yet. Will she be able to outsmart the killer and bring him to justice, or will she become his next victim?
Play | Title | Artist |
Time to Kill
America The Beautiful
Green Onions - 45 Version
Finger Poppin' Time
Smokie, Pt. 2
The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Wimoweh)
This Magic Moment