In the distant future, Evey Hammond is an average citizen of the United Kingdom, which is under the rule of the fascist and tyrannical Norsefire Party. She is an employee of the state-run British Television Network, but soon, she becomes the number one enemy of the state together with an enigmatic and larger-than-life freedom fighter known only by the letter "V".
V informs Evey that she must hide in his underground lair for at least one year, and while she is reluctant to the idea at first, a bond soon forms between the two individuals. In the meanwhile, the mysterious past of V is gradually revealed to the police inspector tasked with capturing him, Eric Finch, and it is not long until he starts questioning everything his government stands for.
Play | Title | Artist |
V pour vendetta
The Beginning... At Last
Cry Me a River
The Girl from Ipanema
The Duel
Alfred Newman:
Love Theme and End TItle
Alfred Newman:
Corcovado - Quiet Nights of Quiet Stars
Yakety Sax
I Found a Reason
Long Black Train
Bird Gerhl
Street Fighting Man
Ethan Stoller:
Ethan Stoller: Performer Malcolm X: Contains excerpts from "on black power" Gloria Steinem: Contains excerpts from "address to the women of america" |
Out of Sight
1812 Overture
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: