There are two of them: a mother and a girl. They have no names. And they are in a constant run.
The mother runs away from the daughter in an attempt to start new life, and the girl runs after her mother as she has no idea how to live without her.
This endless run is full with repeated mistakes and resembles a barrel-organ sorrowful song or a spinning-top rotation.
This small ridiculous toy "volchok" was the first toy in the girl's life, the only thing that tied her with the mother.
But one day this running comes to an end.
Play | Title | Artist |
Never - 《狼殿下》战爱版预告宣传曲
我是誰 (電視劇《狼殿下》主題曲)
石頭 (電視劇《狼殿下》插曲)
天狼星 (電視劇《狼殿下》插曲)
對立面 (電視劇《狼殿下》插曲)
倒流 (電視劇《狼殿下》片尾曲)
再一天 (電視劇《狼殿下》插曲)