WataMote: No Matter How I Look at It, It's You Guys' Fault I'm Not Popular! Soundtrack (


WataMote: No Matter How I Look at It, It's You Guys' Fault I'm Not Popular!


Tomoko Kuroki is a socially awkward high school girl who dreams of becoming popular and having a fulfilling social life. However, her lack of social skills and anxiety make it difficult for her to connect with her classmates. Despite her efforts to improve her popularity, Tomoko's attempts often backfire, leading to embarrassing and awkward situations. As she navigates the challenges of high school life, Tomoko must confront her insecurities and learn to accept herself for who she is.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
WataMote: No Matter How I Look at It, It's You Guys' Fault I'm Not Popular!
Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaete mo Omaera ga Warui
Konomi Suzuki: Performer
Dou Kangaete mo Watashi wa Warukunai
Izumi Kitta: Performer

User reviews

Ronald Hill

The soundtrack of WataMote effectively captures the angst and loneliness of the main character, Tomoko, through melancholic melodies and subdued instrumentals.

Donna Walker

The use of minimalist piano pieces in the soundtrack enhances the introspective moments in the series, adding depth to Tomoko's inner struggles and feelings of isolation.

Michelle Garcia

Overall, the WataMote soundtrack is a standout feature of the series, showcasing the importance of music in conveying complex emotions and themes in a relatable and engaging way.

David Wilson

The use of various music genres in the soundtrack adds depth and dimension to the series, reflecting the diverse range of emotions experienced by the characters.

Jennifer Evans

The soundtrack's melodies are both memorable and evocative, staying with the audience long after watching the show and enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Stephanie Scott

The incorporation of electronic elements in certain tracks gives a modern and edgy feel to the soundtrack, reflecting the contemporary setting of the anime and the challenges faced by the characters.

Edward Hill

Each track in the soundtrack is carefully crafted to complement the mood and atmosphere of the scenes, providing a rich auditory experience that resonates with the viewers.

Michael Adams

The background music in the series effectively builds tension during awkward and cringe-worthy moments, intensifying the viewer's empathy towards Tomoko's social predicaments.

Elizabeth Phillips

Overall, the soundtrack of WataMote plays a crucial role in enhancing the narrative and emotional journey of the characters, providing a rich and immersive auditory experience for viewers.

Carol Thomas

The opening theme song of WataMote is catchy and energetic, creating a stark contrast with the somber undertones of the show, effectively setting the tone for each episode.

Matthew Lopez

The soundtrack of WataMote perfectly captures the emotional journey of the main character, Tomoko, with its blend of melancholic and upbeat tunes.

Nancy Wright

Additionally, I felt that the soundtrack did not effectively enhance the overall viewing experience of the anime. The choice of music often felt out of place and distracting, failing to create a cohesive atmosphere that complemented the story and character development.

Sarah Taylor

The melancholic melodies in the soundtrack beautifully mirror Tomoko's feelings of loneliness and isolation, creating a poignant atmosphere that deeply resonates with the viewer, enhancing the emotional impact of the storytelling.

Deborah Young

The music enhances the storytelling by creating a sense of empathy and understanding towards Tomoko's struggles with social anxiety and self-acceptance.

David Baker

On the other hand, the upbeat and catchy tracks in the soundtrack inject a sense of energy and dynamism into the series, reflecting Tomoko's determination to break out of her shell and overcome her social anxieties. The music not only complements the narrative but also elevates the viewing experience by immersing the audience in Tomoko's world of hopes, dreams, and challenges.

Michael Martinez

The soundtrack of WataMote skillfully transitions between different moods, from lighthearted comedic scenes to poignant emotional moments, enhancing the overall storytelling of the anime.

William Jackson

The soundtrack effectively complements the visual style of WataMote, enhancing the overall atmosphere of the series and immersing viewers in Tomoko's world of social awkwardness and self-discovery.

Karen Nelson

The use of vocal tracks in key moments of the series adds a layer of emotional depth, allowing viewers to connect more deeply with Tomoko's character development throughout the show.