"In Time with You" is a Taiwanese drama series that follows the story of Cheng You-Ching (Ariel Lin), the manager of a shoe manufacturer, who receives an email on her 30th birthday from her best friend Lee Ta-Jen (Chen Bo-lin) about "the symptoms of premature aging." They make a bet to see who will get married first before they turn 35.
As they search for potential partners, Ta-Jen realizes his feelings for You-Ching after a failed relationship with his colleague, Maggie. However, their timing is always off - when You-Ching is single, Ta-Jen has a girlfriend, and vice versa.
Despite looking for other partners, You-Ching realizes that the only man who truly accepts her flaws is her best friend Ta-Jen. The only obstacle in their relationship is their long-standing friendship.
Play | Title | Artist |
Wo ke neng bu hui ai ni
Still Am
Weibird Wei:
Ariel Lin:
I Won't Like You
Starting Now
Biung Wang:
A Friend of a Friend
Emerson Tsai:
Rotating Door