Wrestling Ernest Hemingway is a heartwarming film about the unlikely friendship between two elderly men, Frank and Walter, who meet at a park bench in a quiet Florida town. Frank is a retired Cuban barber with a zest for life, while Walter is a former sea captain who is struggling with loneliness and regret. Despite their differences, the two men form a bond over their shared love of fishing and their desire to make the most of their remaining years.
As their friendship deepens, Frank and Walter open up to each other about their pasts, their dreams, and their fears. Frank helps Walter come to terms with his estranged daughter, while Walter encourages Frank to pursue a romance with a local waitress. Through their interactions, both men learn valuable lessons about forgiveness, acceptance, and the importance of human connection.
Wrestling Ernest Hemingway is a poignant and touching exploration of friendship, aging, and the power of second chances. The film is a reminder that no matter how old we are, it is never too late to find joy, purpose, and companionship in unexpected places.