Wu xing ji yu gan nu Soundtrack (

Wu xing ji yu gan nu Soundtrack (2015) cover

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Rating: 5.80/10 from 46 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Welcome to the Happy Days

Title in Italiano:

Wu xing ji yu gan nu

Title in Português:

Wu xing ji yu gan nu

Title in Français:

Wu xing ji yu gan nu

Title in Türk:

Wu xing ji yu gan nu

Title in Deutsch:

Wu xing ji yu gan nu


HAPPY DAYS is a hot springs hotel in Taipei, the Xinbeitou area. In this area, people can see many historical buildings and elements which are full of Japanese heritage due to the Japanese colonialization before world war two(WWII). HAPPY DAYS hotel was also founded around 1970s by the protagonist: Fan-Ju's grandmother, Shu-Min, who has run the hotel for decades.

However, "Welcome to the HAPPY DAYS," a once vibrant slogan, is nowadays the last and feeble greeting of this old hotel that still remains. Unfortunately, Grandma Shu-Min breaks her legs and is hospitalized, nobody, not even her granddaughter FanJu can run this hotel and bring it back to life.

Not until a mysterious young American : Allen, who shows up at the door one day and volunteers to work at the hotel. Can a Taiwanese girl and a foreigner revive HAPPY DAYS? Can they face the challenges of running a hotel and while discovering Grandma Shu-Min's secret hidden in the hotel?

With a touch of sulfur, love and friendship between Allen and FanJu will blossom and things are going to change. Welcome to the HAPPY DAYS.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Wu xing ji yu gan nu
Hello Happy Days
Gavin Lin: Lyrics
Dino Chun: Composer
Chia-Yen Ko: Performer
Chang hu shuang
Gavin Lin: Lyrics
Dino Chun: Composer
Fei Huang: Performer

User reviews

Laura Turner

Each musical piece in the soundtrack is carefully crafted to reflect the emotional journey of the characters, from the initial decline of the hotel to the eventual revival brought by the unlikely partnership between FanJu and Allen. The melodies are both haunting and hopeful, perfectly complementing the themes of love, friendship, and rediscovery woven throughout the story.

John Moore

The blend of traditional Taiwanese melodies with modern elements in the soundtrack is both refreshing and engaging.

George Jackson

Overall, the music of Wu xing ji yu gan nu is a powerful and evocative companion to the visual narrative, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Nancy Rodriguez

The musical score of Wu xing ji yu gan nu lacked emotional depth and failed to evoke the necessary sentiments to connect with the characters' struggles and challenges. The soundtrack felt repetitive and uninspired, missing the opportunity to elevate key moments and establish a more profound connection with the audience.

Amanda Nelson

The incorporation of traditional Taiwanese instruments in the score adds a unique cultural flair that enriches the overall listening experience and immerses me in the world of the film.

Melissa Hall

The emotional resonance of the music lingers long after the film ends, leaving a lasting impression on the viewer.

Elizabeth Harris

The music creates a sense of intimacy and connection with the characters, drawing the audience deeper into the story.

Ashley Lopez

The soundtrack of Wu xing ji yu gan nu perfectly captures the nostalgic and melancholic atmosphere of the old HAPPY DAYS hotel in Taipei. The music evokes a sense of history and Japanese heritage, transporting the listener to a bygone era filled with cultural richness and charm.

Ashley Lee

The soundtrack of Wu xing ji yu gan nu perfectly captures the nostalgic and historical essence of the story, transporting me to the Xinbeitou area with its beautiful melodies.

James King

The music evokes a sense of Japanese heritage and colonialization, adding depth and authenticity to the setting of the Happy Days hotel and the characters' journey.

Ashley Moore

The music perfectly complements the romantic subplot between Allen and FanJu, enhancing the chemistry between the characters and adding a layer of sweetness to their relationship.

Joshua Robinson

The soundtrack effectively conveys the sense of hope and renewal that permeates the narrative.

Jennifer Nelson

The music enhances the emotional depth of the characters' struggles and triumphs throughout the film.

Charles Wilson

The use of different instruments and sounds in the music mirrors the cultural fusion depicted in the plot.

Ashley Evans

Overall, the soundtrack of Wu xing ji yu gan nu is a cohesive and evocative musical tapestry that enhances the film's narrative, characters, and setting, making it a truly memorable listening experience.

Mark Lopez

The soundtrack of Wu xing ji yu gan nu felt disconnected from the story and the setting of the film. The music did not effectively capture the historical and cultural elements of Taipei's Xinbeitou area, where the story takes place. It lacked authenticity and failed to enhance the overall viewing experience.

Deborah Turner

The soundtrack of Wu xing ji yu gan nu perfectly captures the nostalgic and bittersweet atmosphere of the storyline.

Andrew Evans

The emotional depth of the soundtrack enhances the storytelling, making the moments of love, friendship, and discovery even more impactful and memorable.

Nancy Perez

The soundtrack's ability to evoke a range of emotions, from joy to melancholy, adds depth and richness to the storytelling.

Susan Mitchell

The soundtrack's subtle nuances and variations reflect the complexity of the relationships portrayed on screen.

Karen Brown

The soundtrack beautifully reflects the themes of resilience and hope, mirroring the characters' journey of reviving the Happy Days hotel and uncovering secrets along the way.