"Ylösnousemus" is a Finnish film directed by Aku Louhimies. The story follows a young woman named Anna who is struggling with the loss of her mother. As she tries to come to terms with her grief, she discovers a mysterious connection to the supernatural world. Anna must navigate through this new reality while also dealing with her own inner demons. The film explores themes of loss, grief, and the power of love in overcoming life's challenges.
Play | Title | Artist |
Tunnuskappale elokuvasta Ylösnousemus
Anssi Tikanmäki:
Juice Leskinen: Performer Juice Leskinen: Composer Juice Leskinen: Lyrics |
Vapaa nainen
Ihminen tämän maailman
Musta Saara
Ei säästä perheen koiraakaan
Pantse Syrjä:
Pantse Syrjä: Composed and arranged Martti Syrjä: Lyrics Eppu Normaali: Performer |
Bad Morning Blues