À Ma Soeur! Soundtrack (

À Ma Soeur! Soundtrack (2001) cover

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Rating: 6.50/10 from 10395 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

A mi hermana

Title in Italiano:

A mia sorella!

Title in Português:

Para a Minha Irmã


A Ma Soeur! is a provocative and shocking drama about sibling rivalry, family discord and relationships. Elena is 15, beautiful and flirtatious. Her less confident sister, Anais, is 12, and constantly eats. On holiday, Elena meets a young Italian student who is determined to seduce her. Anais is forced to watch in silence, conspiring with the lovers, but harbouring jealousy and similar desires. Their actions, however, have unforeseen tragic consequences for the whole family.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
À Ma Soeur!
Social Climber
Laura Betti: Performer
Moi je m'ennuie
Catherine Breillat: Performer
J'ai mis mon coeur a pourrir
Catherine Breillat: Performer
The Pretty Things Are Going to Hell
David Bowie: Writer
David Bowie: Performer