Jacob Bande sonore (

Jacob Bande sonore (2011) couverture

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Solitaire et perturbé, Jacob Kell aimait sa petite sœur plus que tout au monde. Lorsqu'elle est tragiquement assassinée par son beau-père ivre, Jacob se venge de la seule manière qu'il connaît... et quiconque croise sa route saura qu'il n'y a pas de limite à sa vengeance brutale.

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Jouer Titre Artiste
Is She With You? - Wonder Woman Theme
One Day - From "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End"/Score
Up Is Down - From "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End"/Score
Honor (Main Title Theme from "The Pacific")
Chevaliers De Sangreal
Drink Up Me Hearties Yo Ho - From "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End"/Score
I'm Not a Hero
This Land - From "The Lion King"/Score
Cornfield Chase
Oogway's Legacy
Run Free
It's Our Fight (From "Transformers: Dark of the Moon")
Dragon Racing
Dogs of War: Main Title
The Council of Elrond (feat. "Aniron") [Theme for Aragorn and Arwen]
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Overture
Professor Umbridge
This Time There's Three of Us (The Majestic Tale) [From "Doctor Who - The Day of The Doctor"]
Iron Man 3
Arrival to Earth
Concerning Hobbits
The Avengers
Main Title - From The "Game Of Thrones" Soundtrack
Hedwig's Theme
Captain America
A Lannister Always Pays His Debts
Stoick's Ship
One More Miracle
Zoosters Breakout (From "Madagascar")
Planet Earth II Suite
He's a Pirate
Test Drive
The Breaking of the Fellowship (feat. "In Dreams")
Lily's Theme
Hiccup The Chief / Drago's Coming
Flying With Mother
Pick Up
Prepared to do Anything
Deduction and Deception
Addicted to a Certain Lifestyle
End Titles (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them)
Broken Window
Running Away
Window Deduction
Who I Want to Be
She Was Different
Who You Really Are
I Had No One
Brother Mine
Alpha Comes To Berk
Toothless Found
Two New Alphas
Opening Overture
Illi Audiebant Libro
Iain Kelso: Interprète
Prologue & Main Title
Iain Kelso: Interprète
Cycling to MacLeod House
Iain Kelso: Interprète
Otis Attacks
Iain Kelso: Interprète
And Edith Defends Him
Iain Kelso: Interprète
Edith Remebers the Inheritance
Iain Kelso: Interprète
Iain Kelso: Interprète
A Bad Feeling
Iain Kelso: Interprète
Red Handed
Iain Kelso: Interprète
Warning About Jacob
Iain Kelso: Interprète
Edith Remembers the Renovations
Iain Kelso: Interprète
Told What He Can and Cannot Do
Iain Kelso: Interprète
Otis Broils
Iain Kelso: Interprète
The Last Tea Party
Iain Kelso: Interprète
Otis Snaps
Iain Kelso: Interprète
Into Pieces
Iain Kelso: Interprète
Discovered by Edith
Iain Kelso: Interprète
It's Jacob
Iain Kelso: Interprète
The Death of Lawrence Kell
Iain Kelso: Interprète
Billy Gets the News
Iain Kelso: Interprète
Off to a Good Start
Iain Kelso: Interprète
Headed to the Cemetary
Iain Kelso: Interprète
The Other Sissy
Iain Kelso: Interprète
Jacob's Last Stand
Iain Kelso: Interprète
Iain Kelso: Interprète
End Title
Iain Kelso: Interprète
Iain Kelso: Interprète