Elizabethtown Banda sonora (

Elizabethtown Banda sonora (2005) cobrir

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Etiquetas: publicidade, má publicidade, citar, cubículo, terno e gravata
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Oregon based Drew Baylor contemplates suicide after his professional world starts to fall apart. A running shoe designer for Mercury Worldwide Shoes owned by the egomaniacal Phil DeVoss, he cost the company close to $1 billion after his latest much hyped running shoe design, the Späsmotica, which was supposed to revolutionize the industry and which just went into mass production and initial distribution, is recalled, the shoe ultimately deemed an utter failure. Drew is fired, with news of the fiasco to hit the public consciousness in a featured article in one week's time.

Before he can commit suicide, he learns that his father, Mitch Baylor, has just died of a heart attack while visiting his hometown of Elizabethtown, Kentucky. As the oldest offspring and as his mother, Hollie Baylor, was dependent upon Mitch for everything in life, Drew is assigned to go to Elizabethtown to represent Hollie, his sister Heather Baylor, and his own wishes for Mitch's funeral against Mitch's extended family, who Hollie, Heather and Drew have not seen in years. There is especially bad blood between Hollie and the Baylors because she was the one who stole him away from Elizabethtown to the west coast, and from his Elizabethtown girlfriend Connie to whom he was engaged.

Drew plans to go to Elizabethtown to carry out this task before he returns home to continue with his suicide mission. Drew feels overwhelmed in this task as he is seen by the extended Baylor family as the successful one, and he feels he needs to maintain the façade for his mother's sake. To deal with this overwhelming situation, he turns to the one person he feels he can, namely Claire Colburn, the gregarious flight attendant he met on his Louisville inbound flight.

Ultimately, Claire may not only help Drew get through the funeral arrangements, but may provide Drew with a different perspective of his life.

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Toque Título Artista
Jesus Was a Crossmaker
The Hollies: Performer
Judee Sill: Writer
You Can't Hurry Love
Lisa Milberg: Writer
The Concretes: Performer
Shut Us Down
I Can't Get Next to You
Barrett Strong: Writer
The Temptations: Performer
It'll All Work Out
io (This Time Around)
Jim Evens: Writer
Helen Stellar: Performer
Big Love
Lindsey Buckingham: Writer
Fleetwood Mac: Performer
My Father's Gun
Bernie Taupin: Letra da música
Elton John: Performer
Same in Any Language
Nancy Wilson: Writer
My Morning Jacket: Performer
Jim James: Produced
I Nine: Performer
Rick Beato: Produced
Where to Begin
My Morning Jacket: Performer
Jim James: Writer
John Leckie: Produced
Tom Petty: Writer
Come Pick Me Up
Ryan Adams: Performer
Ryan Adams: Writer
Funky Nassau
Learning to Fly
Tom Petty: Performer
Tom Petty: Writer
Far Away Trains Passing By
Ulrich Schnauss: Writer
Dance Studio Drizzle
Craig Berkey: Writer
Kathleen Edwards: Performer
Kathleen Edwards: Writer
Promised You a Miracle
Simple Minds: Performer
Charlie Burchill: Writer
First Dance Number
Georges Auric: Writer
Free Bird
Allen Collins: Writer
Jim James: Produced
Sean Price: Performer
Moon River
Henry Mancini: Performer
Patty Griffin: Performer
Johnny Mercer: Letra da música
That's Life
James Brown: Performer
Dean Kay: Writer
Hard Times
Stephen Foster: Writer
Eastmountainsouth: Performer
Peter Adams: Arranjo
Let It Out (Let It All Hang Out)
B.B. Cunningham: Writer
The Hombres: Performer
Purcell: Rondeau (Abdelazer)
Henry Purcell: Writer
Neville Marriner: Performer
Sugar Blue
Jeff Finlin: Writer
Yeah Man
Eddie Hinton: Writer
Pride (In the Name of Love)
U2: Performer
Adam Clayton: Writer
Ryan Adams: Writer
Tom Schick: Produced
Don't I Hold You
Wheat: Performer
Richard Brennan: Writer
What Are They Doing in Heaven Today?
Washington Phillips: Performer
Washington Phillips: Arranjado tradicional
Square One
Tom Petty: Writer
English Girls Approximately
Ryan Adams: Writer
Learning To Fly (Tom Petty)
Nancy Wilson: Performer
English Girls Approximately (Ryan Adams)
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Jesus Was A Crossmaker (Rachael Yamagata)
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Funky Nassau Pt.1 (The Beginning Of The End)
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Loro (Pinback)
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Moon River (Patty Griffin)
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Summer Long (Kathleen Edwards)
Nancy Wilson: Performer
...Passing By (Ulrich Schnauss)
Nancy Wilson: Performer
You Can't Hurry Love (The Concretes)
Nancy Wilson: Performer
River Road (Nancy Wilson)
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Same In Any Language (Ruckus)
Nancy Wilson: Performer
What Are They Doing In Heaven Today (Washington Phillips)
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Words (Ryan Adams)
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Big Love (Lindsey Buckinham)
Nancy Wilson: Performer
I Can't Get Next To You (The Temptations)
Nancy Wilson: Performer
60B (Etown Theme)
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Same In Any Lingo
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Scruffy Busque
Nancy Wilson: Performer
River Kiss
Nancy Wilson: Performer
River Drive
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Grey Sky's Blue
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Flame To Ashes
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Dirty Shirt
Nancy Wilson: Performer
C Roll
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Family Table
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Drew's Theme
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Telephone Waltz
Nancy Wilson: Performer
California Baylor
Nancy Wilson: Performer
River Road
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Containing Magic
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Bicycle Kid
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Every Snowflake
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Sun On The Rug
Nancy Wilson: Performer
60B (etown Theme) (Nancy Wilson)
Nancy Wilson: Performer
It'll All Work Out (Tom Petty)
Nancy Wilson: Performer
My Father's Gun (Elton John)
Nancy Wilson: Performer
io (This Time Around) (Helen Stellar)
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Come Pick Me Up (Ryan Adams)
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Where To Begin (My Morning Jacket)
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Long Ride Home (Patty Griffin)
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Sugar Blue (Jeff Finlin)
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Don't I Hold You (Wheat)
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Shut Us Down (Lindsey Buckingham)
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Let It Out Let It All Hang Out) (The Hombres)
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Hard Times (Eastmountainsouth)
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Jesus Was A Crossmaker (The Hollies)
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Square One (Tom Petty)
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Same In Any Language (I Nine)
Nancy Wilson: Performer
You Can't Hurry Love (The Concretes)
Nancy Wilson: Performer
I Can't Get Next To You (The Temptations)
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Grey Sky's Blue
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Drew's Theme
Nancy Wilson: Performer
It'll All Work Out (Tom Petty)
Nancy Wilson: Performer
My Father's Gun (Elton John)
Nancy Wilson: Performer
Don't I Hold You (Wheat)
Nancy Wilson: Performer

Críticas de usuários

Mónica Teixeira

As músicas escolhidas para cada cena são simplesmente perfeitas, complementando e elevando a narrativa de forma brilhante.

Silvia Castro

A banda sonora de Elizabethtown é adequada e complementa bem a atmosfera emocional do filme. As músicas escolhidas ajudam a transmitir a melancolia e a esperança presentes na história do protagonista Drew Baylor.

Natalia Almeida

A diversidade de estilos musicais presentes na trilha sonora é impressionante, proporcionando uma experiência auditiva rica e envolvente.

Natalia Alves

A trilha sonora de Elizabethtown é fenomenal, conseguindo capturar perfeitamente as emoções e o ambiente do filme.

José Costa

As músicas evocam uma gama de sentimentos, desde melancolia até esperança, contribuindo significativamente para a profundidade emocional do filme.

Carlos Gomes

As músicas selecionadas para o filme conseguem transmitir uma sensação de introspecção e transformação, refletindo o processo de autoconhecimento e crescimento pessoal pelo qual Drew passa ao longo da história. A combinação de letras significativas e melodias envolventes torna a trilha sonora um elemento fundamental para a imersão na trama.

Beatriz Fonseca

As músicas selecionadas para o filme não se conectaram de forma coesa com as diferentes fases e emoções que Drew Baylor experimenta ao longo da história. Isso causou uma desconexão entre a trilha sonora e a narrativa do filme, prejudicando a imersão do espectador na trama.

Sara Santos

A escolha de algumas músicas na trilha sonora de Elizabethtown pareceu genérica e clichê, não agregando nada de especial ou único à experiência do filme. Faltou criatividade e originalidade na seleção musical, o que acabou tornando a experiência auditiva menos marcante e memorável.

Jorge Nunes

Algumas das canções selecionadas para o filme são um pouco clichê e previsíveis, o que pode tirar um pouco da originalidade da trilha sonora. Parece que houve uma falta de ousadia na escolha das músicas.

José Luis Lopes

Por outro lado, a banda sonora de Elizabethtown consegue criar momentos de grande emoção e conexão com os personagens, especialmente nas cenas mais intensas e emotivas. As músicas conseguem amplificar o impacto das situações vividas por Drew.

Francisco Antunes

A trilha sonora de Elizabethtown consegue capturar perfeitamente a melancolia e a esperança que cercam a jornada emocional do personagem principal, Drew Baylor. Cada música escolhida parece se encaixar de forma precisa com as diferentes fases da narrativa, enriquecendo a experiência do espectador.

Ana Sofia Oliveira

A variedade de estilos musicais presentes na trilha sonora de Elizabethtown é impressionante, proporcionando uma riqueza de emoções e atmosferas que complementam e aprofundam a narrativa do filme. Desde músicas mais animadas até baladas emocionantes, cada faixa contribui de maneira única para a construção da atmosfera do longa-metragem.

Sofia Ramos

No geral, a banda sonora de Elizabethtown cumpre bem o seu papel de complementar a narrativa do filme, mesmo que em alguns momentos pareça um pouco previsível. As músicas escolhidas conseguem transmitir a mensagem e as emoções pretendidas de forma eficaz.

Luisa Gomes

A trilha sonora de Elizabethtown não conseguiu capturar a profundidade emocional e a intensidade do dilema enfrentado pelo personagem de Drew Baylor. As músicas escolhidas não conseguiram transmitir a complexidade da situação, deixando a narrativa menos envolvente.