Os Willoughby Banda sonora (

Os Willoughby Banda sonora (2020) cobrir

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Avaliação: 6.40/10 do 11840 votos
Etiquetas: babá, bigode, crianças negligenciadas, pais negligentes, viagem ao redor do mundo
Nomes alternativos:
Título em Español:

Los hermanos Willoughby

Título em Italiano:

La famiglia Willoughby

Título em English:

The Willoughbys


Convencidos de que estariam melhor se criando, os filhos de Willoughby tramam um plano sorrateiro para mandar seus pais egoístas de férias. Os irmãos então embarcam em sua própria aventura para descobrir o verdadeiro significado da família.

Faça o download e reproduza a lista da trilha sonora

Toque Título Artista
Os Willoughby
The Warmest Glove
Mark Mothersbaugh: Writer
John Enroth: Performer
Get Up (If You Want to Get Down)
Kirsten Price: Writer
In the Swing
Alan Moorhouse: Writer
Knife Like Stone
Mateo Messina: Writer
Johnny Says Stay Cool
Angus Dowling: Writer
Duelin' Banjos
Arthur Smith: Writer
Tijuana Panthers: Performer
Daniel Michicoff: Writer
I Choose
Alessia Cara: Performer
Alessia Cara: Writer
The Willoughbys
Mark Mothersbaugh: Performer
Main Title
Mark Mothersbaugh: Performer
The Willoughby Boogie
Mark Mothersbaugh: Performer
Stealing Food
Mark Mothersbaugh: Performer
It Was A Dark And Stormy Night
Mark Mothersbaugh: Performer
The Willoughby Boogie Reprise
Mark Mothersbaugh: Performer
Here Beastie Beastie
Mark Mothersbaugh: Performer
Melanoff's Magnificent Mustache
Mark Mothersbaugh: Performer
Brochure Montage
Mark Mothersbaugh: Performer
The Warmest Glove/Parents Depart
Mark Mothersbaugh: Performer
We Are Orphans
Mark Mothersbaugh: Performer
Nanny's Arrival
Mark Mothersbaugh: Performer
Man Of The House
Mark Mothersbaugh: Performer
You Disrespect My Oats
Mark Mothersbaugh: Performer
Melanoff's Factory
Mark Mothersbaugh: Performer
I Want Her To Stay
Mark Mothersbaugh: Performer
Parents Are Still Alive
Mark Mothersbaugh: Performer
We Unite As Willoughbys
Mark Mothersbaugh: Performer
The Perfect Family
Mark Mothersbaugh: Performer
Willoughby Beast
Mark Mothersbaugh: Performer
I'm Bustin You Out
Mark Mothersbaugh: Performer
Mark Mothersbaugh: Performer
Chase/Rainbow Zeppelin
Mark Mothersbaugh: Performer
Follow The Yarn
Mark Mothersbaugh: Performer
Defrosting The Parents/We're All Going to Freeze
Mark Mothersbaugh: Performer
The New Family
Mark Mothersbaugh: Performer
Meat Mustache/Shark
Mark Mothersbaugh: Performer