A Matter of Honour Soundtrack (

A Matter of Honour Soundtrack (1988) cover

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Rating: 7.10/10 from 97 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

A Matter of Honour

Title in Italiano:

A Matter of Honour

Title in Português:

A Matter of Honour


"Duel Techniques: A Matter of Honor"

In a world where honor is everything, two skilled warriors find themselves on opposite sides of a deadly conflict. As tensions rise and tempers flare, they are forced to settle their differences in a duel to the death.

As the battle rages on, both fighters employ a variety of techniques to gain the upper hand. From swordplay to hand-to-hand combat, each move is carefully calculated and executed with precision.

But as the fight reaches its climax, it becomes clear that this duel is about more than just skill and strength. It is a test of honor, a battle of wills, and a fight for survival.

Who will emerge victorious in this epic showdown? And what sacrifices will they have to make in order to claim victory?

Find out in "Duel Techniques: A Matter of Honor," a thrilling tale of courage, loyalty, and the true meaning of honor.

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A Matter of Honour

User reviews

Michael Jackson

The use of traditional instruments in the music composition adds an authentic and immersive feel to the setting of the story, transporting the audience to a world where honor is paramount.

Amanda Wilson

The soundtrack of A Matter of Honor perfectly captures the intensity and drama of the dueling scenes, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Stephanie Wright

The soundtrack of A Matter of Honour perfectly captures the intensity and drama of the duel between the two warriors. The music builds tension and suspense, immersing the audience in the high-stakes battle.

Mark Carter

Furthermore, the sound mixing of the soundtrack was uneven, with certain instruments overpowering others and creating a jarring listening experience. This inconsistency in audio levels made it difficult to fully immerse myself in the epic showdown between the two warriors.

William Adams

The soundtrack effectively conveys the internal struggles and conflicts of the characters, adding a layer of complexity to the narrative that enriches the overall viewing experience.

Jennifer Martin

The use of traditional instruments in the soundtrack adds an authentic and historical feel to the story, enhancing the setting and atmosphere of the film.

Timothy Garcia

Each track in the soundtrack is masterfully crafted to reflect the different stages of the duel, from the initial confrontation to the climactic showdown. The music builds suspense, heightens emotions, and immerses the listener in the high-stakes world of honor and conflict.

Paul King

The themes and motifs in the music are memorable and impactful, creating a lasting impression that stays with the audience long after the film has ended.

Michael Young

The soundtrack of A Matter of Honor truly captures the intense and gripping atmosphere of the duel between the two skilled warriors. The music perfectly complements the tension and drama of the battle, enhancing every moment with its powerful and evocative melodies.

Melissa White

Overall, the soundtrack of A Matter of Honour elevates the film to new heights, providing a rich and immersive audio backdrop that enhances the storytelling and emotional impact of the duel.

Michael Williams

The composition choices in the soundtrack were repetitive and predictable, making it difficult to distinguish between different key moments in the duel. This lack of musical diversity detracted from the overall impact of the fight scenes and left me feeling disconnected from the action.

Kimberly Martinez

The emotional depth and complexity conveyed through the musical score of A Matter of Honor elevates the storytelling, making the audience truly empathize with the struggles and dilemmas faced by the characters.

Amanda Thomas

Listening to the soundtrack of A Matter of Honor is a truly immersive experience that enhances the storytelling and brings the epic duel to life in a way that is both thrilling and emotionally resonant. It is a testament to the skill and artistry of the composers, and a perfect complement to the gripping tale of courage, loyalty, and honor portrayed in the film.

Joshua Green

The orchestration and arrangement of the soundtrack are masterfully done, showcasing the skill and talent of the composer in creating a cohesive and engaging musical experience.

Paul Williams

The emotional depth of the music enhances the character development and adds layers to the story, making the audience more invested in the outcome of the duel.

Susan Wright

The soundtrack of A Matter of Honour failed to capture the intensity and emotion of the duel scenes. The music felt generic and uninspired, lacking the dynamic range needed to enhance the tension of the fight.