Beast Machines: Transformers is an animated television series that follows the adventures of the Maximals, a group of Transformers who find themselves on a mysterious planet called Cybertron. The Maximals must battle against the evil forces of Megatron, who has taken control of the planet and is using its resources to create an army of drones.
As the Maximals fight to free Cybertron from Megatron's control, they must also come to terms with their own transformations. The Maximals find themselves transformed into new forms, known as "technorganic" beings, which combine organic and mechanical elements.
Throughout the series, the Maximals must work together to overcome their differences and unite against Megatron's forces. With the help of their leader, Optimus Primal, the Maximals must find a way to defeat Megatron and restore peace to Cybertron.
Play | Title | Artist |
Beast Machines: Transformers
Phat Planet