Boule & Bill Soundtrack (

Boule & Bill Soundtrack (2013) cover

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Rating: 4.30/10 from 611 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Billy and Buddy

Title in Italiano:

Billy and Buddy


The daily adventures of a boy named Boule and his spaniel Bill.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Boule & Bill
Les rois mages
Sheila: Performer
Le zizi
Pierre Perret: Performer
Pierre Perret: Lyrics
Louis Gasté: Performer
Morris Albert: Performer
Morris Albert: English lyrics
Albert Simonin: French lyrics
Fame and Fortune
Daniel May: Writer
Le Loir et Cher
Jean-Michel Rivat: Lyrics
Michel Pelay: Performer
La java de Broadway
Jacques Revaux: Performer
Michel Sardou: Lyrics
Michel Sardou: Performer
Qu'est-ce qui fait pleurer les blondes ?
Sylvie Vartan: Performer
Harley Davidson
Afric Simone: Performer
Waterloo Sunset
Ray Davies: Writer
Dialogue taquin
Variations, piano, on a Minuet by Duport, K. 573
28° à l'ombre
Jean Albertini: Performer
Savage Episode