Bubblegum Crisis is a Japanese cyberpunk anime series that follows the adventures of a group of female mercenaries known as the Knight Sabers. Set in a futuristic version of Tokyo called Mega-Tokyo, the Knight Sabers use advanced powered armor suits to combat rogue robots known as Boomers.
The series focuses on the personal and professional lives of the Knight Sabers as they take on various missions to protect the city from the threat of the Boomers. Led by the fearless Priscilla S. Asagiri, the team must navigate through corporate intrigue, political corruption, and personal vendettas in order to save Mega-Tokyo from destruction.
With its high-octane action sequences, compelling characters, and intricate plot twists, Bubblegum Crisis has become a cult classic among anime fans worldwide. The series explores themes of technology, identity, and the consequences of unchecked power, making it a must-watch for anyone interested in the cyberpunk genre.
Play | Title | Artist |
Bubblegum Crisis
Konya Wa Hurricane
Tomoko Aran:
(there's a hurricane tonight) lyrics
Kisaburô Suzuki: Performer Kinuko Ômori: Performer Joyce Leigh Bowden: Performer |
Mad Machine
Kizudarake No Wild
Tomoko Aran:
(wild and scarred) lyrics
Kinuko Ômori: Performer Annabelle Clifton: Performer Tetsurô Oda: Performer Nobuyuki Shimizu: Arrangement |
Thrill No Odoru Angeltachi
Kodoku No Angel
Tomoko Aran:
(don't forget) lyrics
Kinuko Ômori: Performer Annabelle Clifton: Performer Kôji Makaino: Performer |
Asu E Touchdown
Kôji Makaino:
Tomoko Aran:
Kinuko Ômori: Performer Masao Nakajima: Arrangement Cyndi Wheeler: Performer Kôji Makaino: Performer |
Crisis - Ikari O Komete Hashire
Akuma To Tenshi No Kiss
Kôji Makaino:
Bara No Soldier
Omoide Ni Dakarete
Mysterious Night
Rock Me
Say Yes
Never The End
Chase The Dream
Bye Bye My Crisis