Cambridge Spies is a British television drama series that tells the story of four young men who were recruited as spies by the Soviet Union during World War II. These men were all students at Cambridge University and were part of a secret society known as the Cambridge Apostles.
The series follows the lives of these men as they become increasingly involved in espionage and betrayal. They pass on valuable information to the Soviets, including details about British intelligence operations and the development of the atomic bomb.
Cambridge Spies explores the complex motivations of these men, who believed they were working for a greater cause but ultimately found themselves torn between loyalty to their country and their allegiance to the Soviet Union. The series delves into the personal relationships and moral dilemmas that these spies faced as they navigated the dangerous world of espionage.
Overall, Cambridge Spies is a gripping and thought-provoking drama that sheds light on a little-known chapter of British history and raises questions about loyalty, betrayal, and the nature of espionage.
Play | Title | Artist |
Cambridge Spies
Where or When
Richard Rodgers: