Chasing the Wind Soundtrack (

Chasing the Wind Soundtrack (2013) cover

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Rating: 6.30/10 from 449 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Chasing the Wind

Title in Italiano:

Chasing the Wind

Title in Português:

Chasing the Wind


"Chasing the Wind" is a thrilling adventure novel that follows the journey of a young explorer named Sarah as she embarks on a quest to find a legendary treasure hidden in the heart of the Amazon rainforest. Armed with only a map and her wits, Sarah must navigate through treacherous terrain and outsmart dangerous adversaries in order to uncover the secrets of the ancient civilization that once thrived in the jungle. Along the way, she forms unlikely alliances and discovers hidden powers within herself that will help her in her quest. As Sarah gets closer to the treasure, she realizes that the true prize may not be the riches she seeks, but the knowledge and wisdom she gains from her epic adventure."

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Play Title Artist
Chasing the Wind
Licht Bitte
Vår Gud han er så fast en borg

User reviews

Ashley Thompson

The use of exotic instruments and tribal rhythms in the music enhances the sense of being in the heart of the Amazon rainforest, immersing the listener in Sarah's quest.

Brian Clark

Overall, the soundtrack of Chasing the Wind is a powerful and evocative companion to the novel, enhancing the emotional impact of Sarah's quest and bringing the world of the Amazon rainforest to life in a captivating way.

David Turner

The haunting vocals in some tracks create a sense of ancient mysticism and add an air of intrigue to the overall narrative of the story.

Michelle Scott

I appreciate how the soundtrack incorporates elements of ancient civilizations, adding depth to the story and enhancing the overall experience. The use of traditional instruments and haunting vocals adds authenticity to the setting and enriches the listener's connection to the characters and their journey.

Jennifer Robinson

The soundtrack of Chasing the Wind perfectly captures the sense of adventure and mystery present in the novel. The blend of tribal rhythms and orchestral elements creates a thrilling atmosphere that immerses the listener in Sarah's journey through the Amazon rainforest.

Michelle Lopez

Additionally, I felt that the music did not effectively capture the sense of adventure and excitement that the story promised. The lack of dynamic shifts and climactic moments in the soundtrack failed to enhance the thrilling moments in the novel, leaving me feeling disconnected from the protagonist's journey and the overall atmosphere of the story.

David Carter

The music evokes a sense of wonder and excitement as Sarah navigates through the treacherous terrain and encounters dangerous adversaries. The tension builds with each track, mirroring the suspenseful moments in the story and keeping the audience engaged throughout.

Charles King

The emotional melodies evoke the personal growth and inner strength that Sarah discovers throughout her journey, adding depth to the character development.

Elizabeth Carter

The epic orchestral arrangements heighten the intensity of the action scenes, making them even more thrilling and engaging.

Kenneth Thomas

I found the soundtrack of Chasing the Wind to be repetitive and lacking in variety. The same musical themes seemed to be used repeatedly throughout the novel, which made it feel monotonous and uninspiring.

Deborah Lee

The soundtrack of Chasing the Wind perfectly captures the spirit of adventure and mystery that permeates the novel.