Cornelis Soundtrack (

Cornelis Soundtrack (2010) cover

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Rating: 6.30/10 from 2700 votes
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Cornelis is a biographical film that tells the story of the famous Dutch painter Cornelis van Haarlem. Born in the 16th century, Cornelis was known for his intricate and detailed paintings that often depicted historical and mythological scenes.

The film follows Cornelis' life from his early days as an apprentice to his rise as one of the most celebrated artists of his time. Despite facing personal struggles and setbacks, Cornelis continued to create stunning works of art that captivated audiences and critics alike.

Cornelis explores the artist's creative process, his relationships with other artists, and the impact of his work on the art world. Through stunning visuals and powerful performances, the film brings Cornelis' story to life and showcases the enduring legacy of his art.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Tänk Om Jag Hade En Sabel
Jack Vreeswijk: Writer
Elin Sigelius: Performer
Jack Vreeswijk: Writer
Maria Larsson: Performer
Åkare Lundgrens Begravning
Fred Åkerström: Performer
Ruben Nilsson: Writer
Lars Gullin: Writer
Lars Gullin: Performer
Laburnum Vulgare
Lars Gullin: Writer
Lars Gullin: Performer
Ballad På En Soptipp
I Natt Jag Drömde Något Som
Hans-Erik Dyvik Husby: Performer
Ed McCurdy: Writer
Min Polare Per
Jo För All Del
Slusk Blues
"Två Små Fåglar På En Gren'
Erik Frykman: Writer
Siw Malmkvist: Performer
Balladen Om Kärlekens Lön
Jag Hade En Gång En Båt
Deirdress Samba
Balladen Om Fredrik Åkare Och Den Söta Fröken Cecilia Lind
Personliga Persson
Jack Vreeswijk: Writer
Maria Larsson: Performer
Cool Water På Den Gyllene Freden
Hajar'u De Då Jack
Huvudlösen För Aftonen
Alf Cranner: Writer
Stinsen I Bro (del 1 & 2)
Pugh Rogefeldt: Performer
Grimasch Om Morgonen
Brevet Från Kolonin
Fredrik Åkares Morgonpsalm
Ballad Om En Gammal Knarkare
Jack Vreeswijk: Writer
Jack Vreeswijk: Performer
Somliga Går Med Trasiga Skor
Turistens Klagan
Felicia Adjö
Quem te viu, quem te vê
Chico Buarque: Composer
Chico Buarque: Original lyrics
Cornelis Vreeswijk: Swedish version
Cornelis Vreeswijk: Performer
Danza delle ore

User reviews

Kimberly Young

The soundtrack of Cornelis perfectly complements the film's storytelling by capturing the essence of the 16th century art world with its rich and evocative melodies.

Kenneth Jones

The soundtrack of Cornelis beautifully captures the essence of the 16th century era, immersing listeners in a world of historical and mythological wonder. The use of traditional instruments and melodies adds a layer of authenticity to the film's setting and enhances the viewing experience.

Elizabeth Allen

The emotional depth of the music in Cornelis effectively conveys the personal struggles and triumphs of the titular artist, Cornelis van Haarlem. The poignant melodies and sweeping orchestral arrangements evoke a sense of drama and intensity that mirrors the highs and lows of Cornelis' life and career.

Elizabeth Thomas

The soundtrack of Cornelis skillfully complements the visual storytelling of the film, enhancing key moments with its evocative and cinematic compositions. The music serves as a powerful narrative tool, guiding viewers through Cornelis' journey and helping to convey the emotional weight of his artistic legacy.

Karen Jones

The blend of classical and contemporary elements in the soundtrack of Cornelis adds a unique and dynamic layer to the film, enhancing the audience's connection to the artist's life and work.

George Perez

Overall, the soundtrack of Cornelis is a standout element of the film, elevating the viewing experience with its rich and immersive musical tapestry. From delicate solo piano pieces to grand orchestral arrangements, the music expertly captures the spirit of Cornelis van Haarlem's artistic vision and leaves a lasting impression on audiences.

Andrew Perez

The soundtrack of Cornelis felt disconnected from the time period portrayed in the film, with modern elements that detracted from the historical setting and atmosphere.

William Thomas

The music in Cornelis often overshadowed the dialogue and visuals, making it difficult to fully immerse myself in the story and appreciate the emotions portrayed on screen.

Donald Martinez

Each musical piece in the soundtrack skillfully conveys the emotional depth of Cornelis' journey, from his struggles as an apprentice to his triumphs as a celebrated artist, creating a truly immersive viewing experience.

Sarah Brown

Some of the musical choices in Cornelis felt repetitive and uninspired, lacking the depth and complexity needed to enhance the emotional impact of key moments in the artist's life.