Deception Soundtrack (

Deception Soundtrack (2008) cover

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Rating: 6.10/10 from 41000 votes
Tags: switched identities
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

La lista

Title in Italiano:

Sex List - Omicidio a tre

Title in Português:

No Limite da Ilusão

Title in Français:


Title in Türk:



Cat and mouse. Jonathan McQuarry is an auditor in Manhattan, moving from office to office checking their books. While working late, a smooth and well-dressed man named Wyatt Bose chats Jonathan up, offers him a joint, and soon they're pals.

When their cell phones are accidentally swapped, Jonathan answers Wyatt's phone to a series of women asking if he's free tonight. Jonathan discovers it's a sex club: busy powerful people meet each other anonymously in hotels.

Jonathan falls for one of the club members, whom he knows only as "S," whom he's also seen on a subway. When she goes missing, patterns emerge and Jonathan faces demands involving violence and lots of money.

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Play Title Artist
Yeh Yeh
Jon Hendricks: Writer
Hugh Jackman: Performer
Keys to the Kingdom
Unkle: Performer
James Lavelle: Writer
Price You Pay
Unkle: Performer
James Lavelle: Writer
Ramin Djawadi: Performer
Ramin Djawadi: Performer
Are You Free Tonight?
Ramin Djawadi: Performer
Breaking the Rules
Ramin Djawadi: Performer
The Tourist
Ramin Djawadi: Performer
Jonathan Reborn
Ramin Djawadi: Performer
The List
Ramin Djawadi: Performer
Intimacy Without Intricacy
Ramin Djawadi: Performer
Jamie Getz
Ramin Djawadi: Performer
First Day At Work
Ramin Djawadi: Performer
Wire Transfer
Ramin Djawadi: Performer
Night Train to Paris
Ramin Djawadi: Performer
Blind Date
Ramin Djawadi: Performer
Ramin Djawadi: Performer
Date In Chinatown
Ramin Djawadi: Performer
Two Suitcases
Ramin Djawadi: Performer
The Set-Up
Ramin Djawadi: Performer
People Change
Ramin Djawadi: Performer

User reviews

Mary Young

The music creates a sense of intrigue and mystery, drawing the audience deeper into the story as the plot unravels.

Stephanie Lopez

Overall, the soundtrack of Deception contributes significantly to the overall impact of the film, elevating the viewer's emotional engagement and connection to the story.

Emily Clark

I found the soundtrack of Deception to be lacking in emotional depth and creativity. The music did not effectively enhance the tension and suspense of the plot, failing to create a sense of intrigue or mystery.

Kenneth Wilson

The soundtrack of Deception perfectly captures the suspenseful atmosphere of the film, enhancing the cat and mouse dynamic between the characters.

Joshua Wright

The use of electronic beats and haunting melodies in the soundtrack creates a sense of mystery and danger, mirroring Jonathan's descent into a world of deception and betrayal. Each track sets the mood perfectly, immersing the audience in the high-stakes world of power, money, and secrets.

Charles Scott

The music in Deception effectively enhances the sense of mystery and danger surrounding the characters and their actions, adding depth to the overall atmosphere.

William Wilson

The diverse range of musical styles and tones in the soundtrack of Deception reflects the multifaceted nature of the characters and their motivations, creating a rich auditory experience.

William Allen

The soundtrack of Deception perfectly captures the tension and intrigue of the film. The music enhances the cat-and-mouse game between the characters and keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout.

Susan White

The soundtrack features a mix of electronic beats and haunting melodies that reflect the high-stakes nature of the characters' interactions.

David Lee

Overall, the musical score of Deception adds an extra layer of tension and excitement to the film, making it a truly immersive experience for the viewers.

Robert Garcia

The soundtrack of Deception perfectly captures the suspense and intrigue of the storyline, setting the tone for a thrilling experience.

Betty Miller

The use of sound in Deception helps to build tension and keep the audience engaged throughout the unfolding of the complex plot.

Charles Scott

The choice of songs felt generic and uninspired, with a lack of memorable melodies or standout tracks that could elevate the overall viewing experience. The soundtrack seemed to blend into the background rather than stand out as a significant aspect of the film, ultimately failing to leave a lasting impression on me as a viewer.