Miss Sloane Soundtrack (

Miss Sloane Soundtrack (2016) cover

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Rating: 7.50/10 from 83000 votes
Tags: pills, lobbyist, congressional hearing
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

El caso Sloane

Title in Italiano:

Miss Sloane - Giochi di potere

Title in Português:

Miss Sloane - Uma Mulher de Armas

Title in Français:

Miss Sloane

Title in Türk:

Bayan Sloane

Title in Deutsch:

Die Erfindung der Wahrheit


Miss Sloane is a political thriller film that follows the story of Elizabeth Sloane, a ruthless and highly successful lobbyist in Washington D.C. who is known for her cutthroat tactics and win-at-all-costs mentality.

When Sloane is approached to lead a campaign to pass gun control legislation, she decides to switch sides and join a smaller firm that is advocating for stricter gun laws. As she navigates the complex world of politics and power, Sloane finds herself facing off against her former colleagues and enemies who will stop at nothing to bring her down.

As the stakes get higher and the pressure mounts, Sloane must make difficult choices that will not only impact her career but also her personal life. With her reputation on the line, she must decide how far she is willing to go to achieve her goals and whether the ends justify the means.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Miss Sloane
Our World Now
Damon Bradley: Performer
News Report
Lyonel Bauchet: Performer
Drift Away
Emma Smith: Performer
Wheels Within Wheels
Max Richter: Performer
A Question of Adrenaline
Max Richter: Performer
Night Town Journey
Max Richter: Performer
Questions and Answers
Max Richter: Performer
Hotel for Two
Max Richter: Performer
Max Richter: Performer
Max Richter: Performer
Max Richter: Performer
The Screw Turning
Max Richter: Performer
She Is Standing Right There
Max Richter: Performer
Data Stream
Max Richter: Performer
Little Requiem
Max Richter: Performer
Information Architecture
Max Richter: Performer
Closing In
Max Richter: Performer
Interior Texture
Max Richter: Performer
Only Believe
Max Richter: Performer
Miss Sloane Solo
Max Richter: Performer

User reviews

William Perez

Overall, the soundtrack of Miss Sloane is a standout element of the film, contributing to its overall impact and leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

Anthony Adams

The soundtrack of Miss Sloane felt uninspired and generic, lacking the depth and intensity needed to match the high-stakes political thriller atmosphere of the film. It failed to enhance the tension or emotional impact of key scenes, leaving me feeling disconnected from the characters and their struggles.

Edward Lewis

The music choices in Miss Sloane effectively convey the high-stakes and cutthroat world of Washington D.C. politics, immersing viewers in the competitive atmosphere.

Daniel Thomas

The soundtrack of Miss Sloane showcases a diverse range of musical styles that complement the various moods and themes explored in the film, adding depth to the storytelling.

Robert Robinson

The use of music in Miss Sloane showcases the strategic and calculated nature of the protagonist, mirroring her sharp intellect and calculated decision-making.

Kenneth Martinez

Overall, the music in Miss Sloane contributes significantly to the overall tone and atmosphere of the film, making it a memorable and impactful viewing experience.

Andrew Anderson

The musical score effectively conveys the inner turmoil and moral dilemmas faced by Elizabeth Sloane, adding depth and emotion to her character development.

Mary Parker

The soundtrack of Miss Sloane effectively captures the intensity and suspense of the political thriller genre, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Sarah Hall

The music in Miss Sloane skillfully mirrors the complex and morally ambiguous nature of the protagonist, Elizabeth Sloane, adding layers to her character development.

Michelle Wright

The soundtrack of Miss Sloane perfectly captures the intense and suspenseful atmosphere of the political thriller, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Mark Miller

Overall, the soundtrack of Miss Sloane is a masterful complement to the gripping storyline, elevating the movie-going experience and leaving a lasting impression of its impact and significance.

Emily Wright

Despite the film's intense and gripping plot, the soundtrack of Miss Sloane failed to capture the complexity and intrigue of the characters and their motivations. The music felt repetitive and lacking in originality, failing to create a memorable or immersive auditory experience that could elevate the overall impact of the movie.

Melissa Hall

The soundtrack of Miss Sloane seamlessly blends with the dialogue and action on screen, enhancing the emotional impact of pivotal scenes.

Margaret Clark

The choice of music in key moments of the film helps to build tension and create a sense of urgency, keeping the audience engaged and on the edge of their seats.

Dorothy Green

The soundtrack seamlessly blends with the storyline, enhancing the narrative and highlighting the complexities of the political world portrayed in the film.

Carol Young

The music in Miss Sloane often felt misplaced and distracting, overshadowing important dialogue and moments of character development. Instead of complementing the storyline and enhancing the viewer's experience, the soundtrack seemed to compete for attention, disrupting the flow of the narrative and making it difficult to fully engage with the plot.

David Garcia

The use of instrumental tracks in key moments of the film helps to build tension and create a sense of urgency, keeping the audience engaged throughout.

Betty Martin

The soundtrack of Miss Sloane perfectly captures the intensity and suspense of the political thriller. Each track immerses you in the high-stakes world of Washington D.C., creating a sense of urgency and drama that keeps you on the edge of your seat.

Thomas Brown

The music expertly mirrors Elizabeth Sloane's complex character development, from her ruthless determination to her moments of vulnerability and introspection. The emotional depth and power of the soundtrack enhance the storytelling, adding layers of tension and depth to the film's narrative.