El Greco Soundtrack (

El Greco Soundtrack (2007) cover

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Rating: 6.60/10 from 5000 votes
Tags: el greco character
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

El Greco

Title in Italiano:

El Greco

Title in Português:

El Greco

Title in Français:

El Greco

Title in Türk:

El Greco

Title in Deutsch:

El Greco


An epic tale of an uncompromising artist and fighter for freedom, Domenicos Theotokopoulos, known to the world as «El Greco».

Set in the 16th century, El Grecos search for freedom, and love, ranges from the courts of Crete and Venice to Toledo in Spain.

Here he is confronted by his greatest adversary the Holy Inquisition.

Never backing down in his fight with the establishments of his day El Grecos story is one of unusual heroism, betrayal, love, and the power of one man and his creative consciousness to stand out and overcome barbarity and ignorance.

An inspiration which lives on to this day.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
El Greco
Ta dakrya einai dyo logio
Siga-siga vrehei o Theos
Kritikes Madares: Performer

User reviews

Elizabeth Scott

The soundtrack of El Greco felt disconnected from the epic tale of the protagonist. The music did not seem to capture the essence of the 16th-century setting or the emotional depth of the character's journey.

David Young

Each track is a testament to the enduring inspiration of El Greco's story, resonating with audiences even today.

Paul Perez

The music effectively transports the listener to the 16th century, evoking the various settings of Crete, Venice, and Toledo with its rich and diverse sounds.

Sarah Evans

The sound mixing and production of the soundtrack were subpar, with some tracks sounding muddled and overpowering the dialogue at times. This detracted from the overall viewing experience and made it difficult to fully immerse oneself in the world of El Greco.

Amanda Brown

The melodic compositions in the soundtrack of El Greco are truly inspiring and timeless. Each piece resonates with me on a deep level, evoking a sense of courage and defiance in the face of adversity. The music beautifully underscores El Greco's journey of standing out against the establishments of his time, serving as a reminder of the enduring legacy of his creative consciousness. The soundtrack not only enhances the storytelling of the film but also leaves a lasting impression, reminding us of the indomitable spirit of human resilience and artistic expression.

Lisa Hill

The music skillfully conveys the themes of heroism, betrayal, and the power of creative consciousness in the face of adversity.

Lisa Davis

Overall, the soundtrack of El Greco is a masterful composition that enhances the storytelling and brings the historical narrative to life.

Mary Campbell

The emotional depth of the soundtrack perfectly mirrors the protagonist's search for freedom, love, and his struggle against the Holy Inquisition.

Margaret Jones

The soundtrack of El Greco truly captures the essence of the epic tale of the artist's unwavering fight for freedom and love. The music transports me to the 16th century, immersing me in the courts of Crete and Venice, and finally to Toledo in Spain where El Greco faces his greatest adversary, the Holy Inquisition. The emotional depth and intensity of the music perfectly reflect the themes of heroism, betrayal, love, and the power of creativity to triumph over ignorance.

Ronald Rodriguez

The use of traditional instruments and melodies in the soundtrack of El Greco adds a layer of authenticity and historical richness to the film. It transports the audience to the 16th century setting, enhancing the immersive experience of following El Greco's struggles and triumphs.

Emily Wright

The score lacked originality and failed to evoke the sense of struggle and triumph that El Greco experienced throughout his life. The music felt repetitive and uninspired, failing to enhance the storytelling or engage the audience on a deeper level.

Joseph Moore

The soundtrack of El Greco beautifully captures the epic and emotional journey of the protagonist, Domenicos Theotokopoulos. The music evokes a sense of defiance and determination, perfectly complementing his fight for freedom and artistic expression.

Sarah Garcia

The soundtrack of El Greco beautifully captures the epic tale of the uncompromising artist Domenicos Theotokopoulos.