Geneshaft is a science fiction anime series set in a future where humanity has colonized space. In this world, a genetic engineering technology called "Shaft" has been developed to control the population and ensure the survival of the human race. The story follows a group of individuals known as the "Ring Riders" who are tasked with protecting the human gene pool from potential threats.
The main protagonist is a young woman named Mika Seido, who is a member of the Ring Riders and holds the rank of "Goddess". As she navigates the challenges of her role, Mika begins to question the ethics and implications of the Shaft technology, leading her to uncover dark secrets about the true nature of the society she lives in.
Geneshaft explores themes of genetic manipulation, identity, and the consequences of playing god with human life. The series delves into the moral dilemmas faced by its characters as they grapple with the implications of their actions and the true cost of maintaining the status quo.