Genghis Khan Soundtrack (

Genghis Khan Soundtrack (2018) cover

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Rating: 3.90/10 from 171 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Zhan shen ji

Title in Italiano:

Genghis Khan

Title in Português:

Genghis Khan


Genghis Khan was a powerful Mongolian ruler who founded the Mongol Empire in the 13th century. He was born as Temüjin in 1162 and later took on the title of Genghis Khan, which means "universal ruler".

Under his leadership, the Mongol Empire became the largest contiguous empire in history, stretching from China to Eastern Europe. Genghis Khan was known for his military prowess and strategic tactics, which allowed him to conquer vast territories.

Despite his reputation as a ruthless conqueror, Genghis Khan also implemented policies that promoted religious tolerance and cultural exchange within his empire. He established a system of laws known as the Yassa, which governed the behavior of his subjects and ensured stability within the empire.

Genghis Khan's legacy continues to be felt today, as his empire laid the foundation for the Silk Road trade routes and facilitated the exchange of goods, ideas, and technologies between East and West. He is remembered as one of the most influential figures in world history, shaping the course of civilization in Asia and beyond.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Genghis Khan
Cang Mang
Daryl Yao: Lyrics
Mark Lui: Composer
William Chan: Performer

User reviews

David Wright

The music perfectly conveys the grandeur and majesty of Genghis Khan's conquests, immersing the listener in the historical setting.

Elizabeth Baker

The soundtrack effectively captures the spirit of unity and diversity that characterized the Mongol Empire under Genghis Khan's rule.

Joseph Hill

The soundtrack of Genghis Khan brilliantly captures the epic and majestic feel of the Mongol Empire, transporting listeners to a different era with its powerful orchestral compositions and traditional Mongolian influences.

Deborah Campbell

The emotional depth of the music resonates with the profound impact Genghis Khan had on shaping the course of history.

Donna Davis

The soundtrack effectively conveys the duality of Genghis Khan's character, blending moments of fierce battle and conquest with softer, more introspective melodies that hint at the ruler's complex personality.

John Thomas

Overall, the soundtrack of Genghis Khan serves as a fitting tribute to one of history's most formidable and enigmatic figures, blending historical accuracy with artistic interpretation to create a compelling musical experience.

William Moore

The soundtrack's incorporation of vocal chants and tribal rhythms adds a primal and visceral energy to the music, underscoring the raw power and intensity of Genghis Khan's military campaigns.

Margaret Williams

The use of traditional Mongolian instruments in the soundtrack adds an authentic and culturally rich dimension to the music.

Thomas Allen

Each track in the soundtrack evokes a sense of adventure and exploration, reflecting the vast territories conquered by Genghis Khan.

Richard Lopez

The use of traditional Mongolian instruments in the soundtrack adds an authentic and cultural depth to the music, immersing the listener in the world of Genghis Khan and his empire.

James Anderson

The music reflects the vastness of the Mongol Empire, with expansive and dynamic compositions that evoke the sense of endless horizons and limitless potential that characterized Genghis Khan's conquests.

Patricia Thompson

The music conveys the complexity of Genghis Khan's character, from his military prowess to his policies promoting religious tolerance.

Matthew Harris

I found the instrumentation to be repetitive and unengaging, failing to evoke the sense of awe and fear that Genghis Khan inspired in his enemies. The lack of variety in musical themes made the soundtrack feel monotonous and unmemorable, failing to do justice to the rich history and legacy of Genghis Khan.

Linda Davis

The music perfectly conveys the duality of Genghis Khan's character, blending elements of conquest and diplomacy in a seamless way that mirrors the complex nature of his rule. It evokes a sense of both awe and contemplation, reflecting the multifaceted legacy of this historical figure.

Thomas Mitchell

The soundtrack of Genghis Khan captures the epic and grandiose nature of the Mongol Empire's rise to power, with sweeping orchestral compositions that evoke a sense of conquest and triumph.

Anthony Williams

The soundtrack of Genghis Khan truly captures the epic and powerful essence of the Mongolian ruler's legacy.

Donna Robinson

The emotional depth of the soundtrack shines through in quieter, more contemplative moments, capturing the human side of Genghis Khan and his struggles with leadership, loyalty, and legacy.

Joshua Carter

The soundtrack of Genghis Khan failed to capture the grandeur and complexity of such a powerful historical figure. The music felt uninspired and lacked the epic quality needed to convey the magnitude of Genghis Khan's conquests.

Paul White

I was particularly impressed by how the soundtrack incorporates traditional Mongolian instruments and vocal styles, adding an authentic touch that enhances the overall listening experience. It's a masterful blend of ancient and modern sounds that truly brings the story of Genghis Khan to life in a captivating and immersive way.

Linda Young

Overall, the soundtrack of Genghis Khan is a masterful composition that pays homage to the enduring legacy of one of history's most influential figures.

Margaret Taylor

The soundtrack's dynamic range and orchestration enhance the storytelling aspect of Genghis Khan's life and achievements.

Richard Lopez

The composition skillfully blends modern elements with traditional sounds, creating a unique and captivating listening experience.

Linda Lewis

Overall, I was disappointed by the soundtrack of Genghis Khan as it missed the opportunity to immerse the audience in the world of one of history's most formidable leaders. The music failed to capture the essence of Genghis Khan's military genius and cultural impact, leaving me wanting more depth and emotion in the musical interpretation of such a significant historical figure.