Gimme Gimme Gimme is a British sitcom that follows the lives of two roommates, Linda and Tom, who are both desperate for love and attention.
Linda is a loud, brash, and sexually adventurous woman who is constantly on the lookout for her next conquest. She is always on the prowl for a man who can satisfy her insatiable appetite for attention and affection.
Tom, on the other hand, is a gay man who is struggling to find love in a world that seems to be against him. He is constantly searching for his Mr. Right, but always seems to end up with Mr. Wrong.
The show follows the hilarious misadventures of Linda and Tom as they navigate the ups and downs of their love lives, all while trying to make ends meet in their less-than-ideal living situation.
Gimme Gimme Gimme is a comedy that is sure to have viewers laughing out loud as they watch the antics of these two lovable characters.