Gokusen is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kozueko Morimoto. The story follows Kumiko Yamaguchi, a young and idealistic teacher who is the granddaughter of a Yakuza boss. Despite her background, Kumiko is determined to make a difference in the lives of her students at an all-boys high school known for its delinquent population.
As Kumiko navigates the challenges of teaching and dealing with her students' antics, she also struggles to keep her Yakuza ties a secret. With her unconventional teaching methods and unwavering dedication, Kumiko earns the respect and admiration of her students, who come to see her as a mentor and role model.
Gokusen is a heartwarming and humorous story that explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and the power of education. The manga has been adapted into a popular anime series and live-action television dramas, captivating audiences with its engaging characters and inspiring message.