"Hellbenders" is a horror-comedy film directed by J.T. Petty. The story follows a group of unconventional ministers who are part of a secret organization known as the "Hellbound Saints." These ministers are tasked with exorcising demons by committing sins so grave that they become possessed themselves. The group must then kill themselves in order to drag the demons back to Hell with them.
However, when a powerful demon threatens to unleash Hell on Earth, the Hellbound Saints must team up with an unlikely ally to stop the apocalypse. As they face off against the demon, the group must confront their own inner demons and decide if they are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to save the world.
"Hellbenders" combines elements of horror, comedy, and action to create a unique and entertaining film that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. With a mix of dark humor and intense action sequences, this movie is sure to appeal to fans of the genre.