Iceman: The Time Traveller is a Chinese science fiction film that follows the story of a time-traveling warrior named Iceman. After being frozen for 400 years, Iceman wakes up in modern-day Hong Kong and must adapt to the new world around him. As he navigates through the bustling city, Iceman discovers that his arch-nemesis, He Ying, has also traveled through time and is wreaking havoc in the present day.
With the help of a group of allies, including a young woman named May, Iceman sets out to stop He Ying and prevent him from altering the course of history. The film is filled with action-packed sequences, stunning visual effects, and a thrilling storyline that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
Iceman: The Time Traveller is a captivating tale of time travel, friendship, and redemption that will leave audiences wanting more. Don't miss this exciting adventure that transcends time and space.