Lost and Beautiful is a poignant documentary film that follows the journey of a shepherd named Tommaso, who cares for a buffalo named Sarchiapone in the Italian countryside. When Tommaso unexpectedly passes away, a local man named Giancarlo promises to fulfill Tommaso's dying wish to take care of Sarchiapone and bring him to a sanctuary.
The film beautifully captures the bond between Tommaso and Sarchiapone, as well as the stunning landscapes of rural Italy. As Giancarlo embarks on his mission to honor Tommaso's wishes, he encounters various challenges and obstacles along the way. Through Giancarlo's determination and love for the buffalo, Lost and Beautiful explores themes of loyalty, friendship, and the resilience of the human spirit.
Lost and Beautiful is a moving and visually striking film that will leave viewers with a deep appreciation for the beauty of the Italian countryside and the power of human connection.