Love Education Soundtrack (

Love Education Soundtrack (2017) cover

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Rating: 7.30/10 from 1000 votes
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Love Education

Title in Italiano:

Love Education

Title in Português:

Love Education


Love Education is a heartwarming film that tells the story of a mother and daughter who are both teachers at a rural Chinese school. The mother, who is illiterate, decides to go back to school to learn how to read and write. As she embarks on this journey, she discovers the importance of education and the sacrifices her own mother made for her. Meanwhile, her daughter is struggling with her own relationship and comes to realize the value of family and tradition.

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Play Title Artist
Love Education
Flowers in Blossom

User reviews

Deborah Campbell

Some of the songs in the soundtrack of Love Education felt cliché and predictable, lacking originality and failing to evoke a deeper emotional response from the audience. The music seemed to follow conventional patterns without offering any unique or memorable compositions that could have elevated the overall viewing experience.

Linda Lee

The choice of music in Love Education did not always match the tone or mood of the scenes. There were instances where the music felt out of place, either being too upbeat for a somber moment or too somber for a joyful scene, leading to a disconnect between the visuals and the audio experience.

Mary Scott

Overall, the soundtrack of Love Education is a standout element of the film, enhancing the viewing experience and leaving a lasting impression on the audience. It is a testament to the power of music in conveying the film's themes and emotional depth.

Dorothy Parker

The use of traditional Chinese instruments in the soundtrack adds an authentic touch to the film, immersing the audience in the rural setting and the characters' cultural background. It creates a sense of connection with the characters and their journey of self-discovery.

Andrew Anderson

Overall, the soundtrack of Love Education is a standout feature of the film, enhancing its emotional impact and leaving a lasting impression on the audience. It's a testament to the power of music in storytelling and a key element in making this heartwarming film a truly memorable experience.

Ronald Mitchell

The soundtrack of Love Education felt repetitive and lacked variety in terms of musical styles. The same melodies and instruments were used throughout the movie, making it monotonous and failing to enhance different emotional moments.

David Nelson

The melodies in the soundtrack are beautifully composed and arranged, creating a rich tapestry of sound that complements the visual elements of the film. The music helps to convey the characters' inner struggles and personal growth, making their stories even more poignant and relatable.

Ashley Young

The soundtrack's melodies are hauntingly beautiful and evoke a sense of nostalgia and reflection. They linger in the mind long after the film has ended, underscoring the emotional resonance of the story and its characters.

Michael Perez

The soundtrack of Love Education perfectly captures the emotional depth of the film's storyline. Each musical piece complements the characters' journeys and adds an extra layer of poignancy to the narrative.

Michael Jones

The soundtrack of Love Education perfectly captures the emotional depth and complexity of the film. Each piece of music enhances the storytelling and evokes a wide range of feelings, from nostalgia to hope.

David Davis

The use of traditional Chinese instruments in the soundtrack adds an authentic and cultural touch to the film. It enhances the storytelling by immersing the audience in the rural Chinese setting and the characters' personal struggles.

George Garcia

The composition of the music is subtle yet impactful, creating a sense of intimacy and connection with the characters. It effectively conveys the themes of family, tradition, and the importance of education without overpowering the dialogue or visuals.